You said i broke SR rules. I did not. You have yet to back up your claim with anything.. And then you went as far as warning people to not buy from me for no valid reason. Rainbowmembrane: Thanks brother. I actually have already sent my samples and they lab confirmed them already. It was one of the first things i did when i started vending To everyone else: I deeply apologize for this fiasco on the last couple of pages. I would normally not even bother myself with drama, but i felt i needed to defend myself. Especially when someone questions my professionalism and goes as far to warn people to not buy from me. The Avengers are doing a wonderful job, for the buyers AND sellers. They do tremendous work for the LSD movement and i apologize for taking up 2 pages of reviews with bickering instead of what this thread was made for. To review LSD and post lab results so that the whole community is protected and making sure that LSD vendors stay honest. Peace and love