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Messages - Lucydrop

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Silk Road discussion / Re: Down-time: summary and reflections
« on: November 17, 2012, 08:40 am »
One thing i may suggest before you open up registration again, is to have the site tested during EST daytime hours

I notice that at the times that you are online its usually really fast, but over here in EST from 11am-6pm its extremely slow all day long and i cant fill orders or message customers

Silk Road discussion / Re: Down-time: summary and reflections
« on: November 17, 2012, 08:24 am »
DPR, I thank you for the service you are doing for this world.

I am a vendor and while i hate not being able to fill orders etc and not able to access my coins, i never once felt that they were in jeopardy of being stolen by you. I've been on this site as a buyer since the very beginning and you have always been a class act. Sometimes people don't understand the risks you take, and the toll that paranoia and stress takes on someone but i know it all too well. Thanks for everything you do.

Rumor mill / Re: Official LucyDrop Thread (REVIEWS/NEWS/PROMOTIONS)
« on: November 17, 2012, 08:14 am »
If people really are afraid of having to sign, i offer the option to send it with no tracking, but tracking is required for escrow.. sending it standard mail (which would have no problem reaching anyone) would require FE and only refund with a customs letter

Rumor mill / Re: The Avengers LSD Vendors Review
« on: November 17, 2012, 04:40 am »
CANADA ONLY - People interested in 100ug liquid vials.. interest check please post in the thread below


Other friends: Please dont neg rep me because i dont ship to the USA.. every time i mention i dont ship to the USA i get negative karma and i dont know why.. I dont care about karma points, but when people see someone has a bunch of negative karma, they will probably assume hes an asshole and will be less inclined to try them out

Rumor mill / Re: Official discussion thread of current LSD vendors
« on: November 17, 2012, 04:40 am »
CANADA ONLY - People interested in 100ug liquid vials.. interest check please post in the thread below


Other friends: Please dont neg rep me because i dont ship to the USA.. every time i mention i dont ship to the USA i get negative karma and i dont know why.. I dont care about karma points, but when people see someone has a bunch of negative karma, they will probably assume hes an asshole and will be less inclined to try them out

Hey all, check my review thread and SR profile for my reviews and stats..

Some people have been asking me for liquid but i want to make sure there is enough demand before i grab a bunch.. This deal is only for people in Canada

100ug vial x 100 drops = $500 before shipping and fees

I offer FULL ESCROW to people with good buying stats..

If i can get at least 5 people interested in buying one then i will stock vials as the minimum order of vials from my chemist is 25 vials

So lets see who is interested

Rumor mill / Re: Official LucyDrop Thread (REVIEWS/NEWS/PROMOTIONS)
« on: November 17, 2012, 12:04 am »
Great to hear guys! I love hearing your experiences - keep them comin!

Rumor mill / Re: Official LucyDrop Thread (REVIEWS/NEWS/PROMOTIONS)
« on: November 16, 2012, 08:08 pm »
Hi Lucy, I just saw that in order to order 50 tabs the package must be signed and I'm not up for it. That being said, I am planning to order 20 tabs (with limited bonus). How many tabs will I be receiving if I order 2 orders of 10 tabs with the limited bonus?

The limited time bonus has been over for a little while already. I gave away hundreds of free tabs out of my own pocket and lost a lot of money to build my reputation. I tried to remove the limited bonus from the listing title but there is no option to edit title name. Sorry.

Also not everyone has to sign for a package, but different countries handle the express packages differently.. In Canada you never have to sign for them and other countries too, but some countries do require it. Thats why i tell everyone to assume they might have to sign for it.

Rumor mill / Re: Official LucyDrop Thread (REVIEWS/NEWS/PROMOTIONS)
« on: November 15, 2012, 10:01 pm »
Correct man. Each 100ug tab is 5mm x 5mm (millimeters)

Please come back and share your trip report.. I hope your mind goes to incredible places!

Rumor mill / Re: Official LucyDrop Thread (REVIEWS/NEWS/PROMOTIONS)
« on: November 15, 2012, 07:35 pm »
Thanks for the reply Dopamin.

Also, anyone know if she lays her sheets or drops them?
They are laid :)

Rumor mill / Re: The Avengers LSD Vendors Review
« on: November 15, 2012, 01:51 am »
Are all you guys requesting vials in the USA? (the only place i dont ship)

because if you are not, then i can supply vials too.. My LSD has also been tested by the Avengers

Product requests / Re: Liquid LSD
« on: November 14, 2012, 05:12 am »
As long as you are not in the USA i can supply liquid LSD (my lsd has been lab tested by the avengers also)

Product requests / Re: Looking for a reliable LSD supplier.
« on: November 14, 2012, 05:10 am »
I ship from Canada and ship worldwide (minus the USA)

If you guys are not in the USA, you should give me a try.

I have the highest rated 100ug LSD on SR (confirmed by a lab via the Avengers... check the Avengers LSD review thread for more details) and have 100% positive feedback and offer full escrow..

of course SR is down, so i wouldnt be of much help until the site is back up

Silk Road discussion / Re: update
« on: November 14, 2012, 12:24 am »
New update on the first page for people who dont know he is posting his updates in the original post


UPDATE (0012 UTC):  Sorry I'm late on this update, won't happen again.  We're pretty much polishing and going down the final check list at this point.  I'm confident we'll make our "matter of days" estimate and this won't be drawn out into week+ territory (assuming nothing goes wrong when we reopen).  When we reopen, access will be limited to vendors only for a few hours so they can mark packages shipped that were sent but not marked before we went down.  Also, auto-finalize and auto-vacation haven't been running since Sunday, and we won't fire those back up for a couple of days after we reopen so everyone can get square first.  Can't wait till this is behind us

Rumor mill / Re: The Avengers LSD Vendors Review
« on: November 13, 2012, 09:25 pm »
I don't care about the karma, it's the whole principle behind it.

Its like hitting your kid, but not telling him what he did wrong. I can't learn from myself if people don't eleborate on WHY they disagree with me.

I couldn't care less about the karma, but people should have the common decency to tell me what i did, so i can see their point of view.

Don't sweat it my Dutch homie :) I'm sure its just someone who is immature... Every time i mention i dont ship to the USA for personal reasons i always get negative karma anonymously... Its just the way some people are

Lucydrop I have sent you a PM & didn't get back anything from you !! Have u read it ??


Replied :)

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