Silk Road forums
Discussion => Security => Topic started by: Capital1 on July 28, 2012, 09:28 pm
I'm having the worst time trying to figure out how to use GPG on a mac and I've been trying various guides for hours now with no sucsess. I tried downloading GPG tools but for some reason the only application I have is the key chain access. So I have made a tormail account and used that to make a private and public key, but now I am stuck. I can't figure out how to view my public key, and even if I could I have no idea what to do next to encrypt messages.
If anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it.
Watch the youtube video is my signature, all will be answered ;)
I'm having the worst time trying to figure out how to use GPG on a mac and I've been trying various guides for hours now with no sucsess. I tried downloading GPG tools but for some reason the only application I have is the key chain access. So I have made a tormail account and used that to make a private and public key, but now I am stuck. I can't figure out how to view my public key, and even if I could I have no idea what to do next to encrypt messages.
If anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it.
Are you using Leopard? If so, that will explain why you only have access to Keychain.
I'm having the worst time trying to figure out how to use GPG on a mac and I've been trying various guides for hours now with no sucsess. I tried downloading GPG tools but for some reason the only application I have is the key chain access. So I have made a tormail account and used that to make a private and public key, but now I am stuck. I can't figure out how to view my public key, and even if I could I have no idea what to do next to encrypt messages.
If anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it.
Are you using Leopard? If so, that will explain why you only have access to Keychain.
shhhhhhhhh hes watching a video! ;)
I'm running Lion not leopard but I'll check out that video now
I'm having the worst time trying to figure out how to use GPG on a mac and I've been trying various guides for hours now with no sucsess. I tried downloading GPG tools but for some reason the only application I have is the key chain access. So I have made a tormail account and used that to make a private and public key, but now I am stuck. I can't figure out how to view my public key, and even if I could I have no idea what to do next to encrypt messages.
If anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it.
Are you using Leopard? If so, that will explain why you only have access to Keychain.
shhhhhhhhh hes watching a video! ;)
Heheh. :)
When he's done we can try introducing him to the command line.
Ok the video helped a lot, but I don't understand how the whole email was encrypted. In the video it just seemed like his email was magically encrypted, I feel like I am missing out on some step to encrypt emails.
Ok the video helped a lot, but I don't understand how the whole email was encrypted. In the video it just seemed like his email was magically encrypted, I feel like I am missing out on some step to encrypt emails.
There is a "lock" button now in you Mail client, but you dont need that.
just type whatever in a textedit doc and then hightlight it and right click...scroll to the bottom and then under "services" >>> "Encrypt selected text".
make sure you have the persons PUBLIC key imported.
So if you wanted to send me a message. write "blah blah blah" in a text doc. Make sure you got MY PUBLIC key. You can actually find mine in my vendor profile. most vendors have it there too.
Then you write "blah blah blah" highlight it ...then see above steps.
When you want someone to encrypt a message that ONLY YOU CAN READ. they do the same thing, but they use YOUR PUBLIC key.
When you receive thier PGP message. you copy it to a text editor. hightlight it >>> right click >> services >>> DECRYPT SELECTION. Then enter your passphrase.
Poof! you'll see what they were trying to say to you.
Does that help ?
Ok the video helped a lot, but I don't understand how the whole email was encrypted. In the video it just seemed like his email was magically encrypted, I feel like I am missing out on some step to encrypt emails.
IIRC, the video uses Thunderbird and Enigmail. Enigmail is a plug-in for Thunderbird which invokes the command line options for GPG. GPG can search for keys based on email address and so Enigmail is able to select the correct key for the recipient, it also has the facility to encrypt all messages to the sender's key (which can also be set in the gpg.conf file with the encrypt-to and hidden-encrypt-to options).
Most of the use of GPG with SR won't be using Thunderbird and Enigmail, though. This is because the SR message and order system (as well as the forums) don't interact with email. For that you need to encrypt and decrypt in a text editor. If the video showed how to do that, then that's the bit you need to pay attention to.
I never watched the entire video because I got bored with it and I use the command line (plus a more advanced text editor called Emacs, which supports GPG).
Thanks Shroomeister,
That makes a lot more sense, and I understand how to do that. Now I'm aware that vendors have their keys on their profile, but do I just give vendors my key in an encrypted message when I need to PM them?
And yeah LouisCyphre that bit was explained in the video, so thanks!
Thanks Shroomeister,
That makes a lot more sense, and I understand how to do that. Now I'm aware that vendors have their keys on their profile, but do I just give vendors my key in an encrypted message when I need to PM them?
Yeah, when you first message them include your public key at the end of the message before you encrypt it.
And yeah LouisCyphre that bit was explained in the video, so thanks!
Cool. If you want to practice before trying it out on a vendor, head over to Pine's PGP Club thread:
YES. Give your PUBLIC key away and guard your private key with your life.
Normally (from a vendor perspective) if you encrypt a message to me and when I decrypt it to read it, if you included your public key in the msg, then I would reply with an encrypted message back.
Thats the usual way to do it.
Glad to make some sense of it for you. Good luck!
Ok, this all makes sense to me now, thanks for all the help!
And don't worry, I realize the differences and uses of public and private keys.
Thanks again,
look out! GURU IN DA' HOUSE! ;)
look out! GURU IN DA' HOUSE! ;)
Guru has that as a template to just feed into threads like this, which is good because it saves the rest of us from doing it. :)
Ok the video helped a lot, but I don't understand how the whole email was encrypted. In the video it just seemed like his email was magically encrypted, I feel like I am missing out on some step to encrypt emails.
Once you have installed GPGTools, what you want to do is to go into System Preferences --> Keyboard --> Services.
Scroll down until you find the following entries. Be sure to put a check mark in the boxes to activate each keyboard shortcut.
Hey Guru! I'm running out of ideas how to GPG on my mac. I have Leopard, so there are no Services available. I've installed GPGTools and successfully generated keys, but after that... I don’t' have a clue. Dead end.
I would highly appreciate any help!! Million thanks.