Silk Road forums

Discussion => Security => Topic started by: herny on July 18, 2012, 02:14 pm

Title: If I use PGP am I safe?
Post by: herny on July 18, 2012, 02:14 pm
If I use that GPG coded message when giving my address am I basically safe? First time buyer, paranoid.
Title: Re: If I use PGP am I safe?
Post by: LouisCyphre on July 18, 2012, 04:14 pm
If I use that GPG coded message when giving my address am I basically safe? First time buyer, paranoid.

Messages encrypted with GPG can only be decrypted by people with the corresponding secret key and passphrase to any public keys with which the message was encrypted.  So if you encrypt your address with only the vendor's public key (and optioally your own) then only the vendor (and you) can see it.

You still eed to trust the vendor to securely delete the decrypted copy at their end when they've finished using it and sent the order, but that has always been the case.

So, yes, it will help to make things safer.
Title: Re: If I use PGP am I safe?
Post by: theonetheonlyandy on July 18, 2012, 04:21 pm
you will be alright. read the silk road wiki buy from reputable vendors you will be fine. been buying for over a year. 100%delivery! nothing has been lost. but always be cautious. and you will be fine. you are in good hands in the SR.
Title: Re: If I use PGP am I safe?
Post by: 751a696c24d97009 on July 18, 2012, 06:31 pm
The use of PGP greatly helps you maintain the integrity of your privacy while communicating with vendors/other members. Only users with the corresponding keys can read your messages, so your encrypted messages will only go to them.

If you're just trying to learn PGP now, I recommend checking out this thread by Pine:


This is the thread I used for reference while learning how to use PGP and navigate GPA. You can test it out and make sure you can use it properly before using it on the SR with an actual vendor.