Silk Road forums
Discussion => Security => Topic started by: dungoof on July 17, 2012, 05:17 pm
Does anyone else have a problem with Tormail to clearmail not arriving? Ive been sending e-mail to several clearnet adresses and none of them have arrived. This worked before, and tormail to tormail works like a charm. Anyone else having this problem?
Edit: The clearnet adresses ive sent mail to are disposable adresses like guerilla mail.
tormail is down for good i hear.
tormail is down for good i hear.
Bullshit. Much like everything else you appear to have posted thus far. I suggest you go and do what your username says.
tormail is down for good i hear.
Bullshit. Much like everything else you appear to have posted thus far. I suggest you go and do what your username says.
Now, now... be nice. Is that any way to treat one of our intellectually-challenged brethren?
I'll agree he's intellectually challenged, but not the brethren part. I believe he is some breed of troll. ;)
Seriously, 101 posts in under 2 hours and all of them single lines like that. Most of which were either insulting to original posters or feeding them a line of horse-hockey. There's a reason his negative karma is steadily increasing.
Actually, getting past 100 posts in under 2 hours is kind of impressive in a way. He must've just been at his PC, speeding off his tits and slamming the responses through.
Im not even too sure of what he is getting out of this. ie. what's the payoff for being a troll when no one will feed you?
Im not even too sure of what he is getting out of this. ie. what's the payoff for being a troll when no one will feed you?
Who knows? Who really cares either? I don't think there is a payoff.
Although now that one of his messages has been deleted I'd like to see one more deleted just to see if the forum will drop him back down from being a full member to a junior, but that has less to do with him and more to do with my curiosity about the forum software.