Quote from: sleepyeyes2k2 on February 13, 2013, 04:43 amRight. I got that part, how to talk to them. But, for them to talk to me, they need my public key, and using GPGTools, I have no idea how to display my public key. According to the support site, the public and privte keys are generated at the same time, but you don't see the public key on your keyring. And, even though there's an "export key" option, it doesn't work when you try to export your private key (or any subkey). So, when I ask the developers this question, they say that it's not a problem, since my public key is automatically uploaded to keyservers, and future versions may allow me to export an ASCII version of my public key. But, I wanted to run it by folks here, because if anyone's found an end run around the problem, they're here. It's a simple thing.This should be in GPG Keychain Access in most, if not all, versions of GPGTools. From Snow Leopard on GPA is also available which should support exporting keys in ASCII format.Finally, GPGTools installs GPG version 2.0.x to the system (as /usr/local/bin/gpg2) and it can be invoked on the command line.