Quote from: Shroomeister on July 28, 2012, 09:48 pmQuote from: LouisCyphre on July 28, 2012, 09:43 pmQuote from: Capital1 on July 28, 2012, 09:28 pmI'm having the worst time trying to figure out how to use GPG on a mac and I've been trying various guides for hours now with no sucsess. I tried downloading GPG tools but for some reason the only application I have is the key chain access. So I have made a tormail account and used that to make a private and public key, but now I am stuck. I can't figure out how to view my public key, and even if I could I have no idea what to do next to encrypt messages. If anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it. Are you using Leopard? If so, that will explain why you only have access to Keychain.shhhhhhhhh hes watching a video! ;)Heheh. :)When he's done we can try introducing him to the command line.