Silk Road forums

Discussion => Silk Road discussion => Topic started by: DiscoBiscuit on June 20, 2013, 08:18 am

Title: My auto-finalize rate has to be wrong
Post by: DiscoBiscuit on June 20, 2013, 08:18 am
I'm fairly confused. This past weekend I was at Bonnaroo, and while there I guess one of my orders from albionessentialols auto-finalized. I still haven't received it so that kinda sucks.

But anyways, I went to look at my Purchasing stats just to see what it did. My Auto-finalize rate is at 21.95%!!!! First off, I have a total of 8 transactions. Unless I've completely overlooked something, it''s quiet impossible to have a 21.95% auto-finalize rate.

If I had ONE auto finalize, it would be 12.5% (1/8=.125)
If i had TWO auto finalize, it would be 25%

.... Could someone enlighten me? Is there any way to get this fixed?

Every person I've ordered from can say that they have had no issues with me, of that I am sure. That 21.95% auto-finalize rate is a pretty nasty scar on my account...
Title: Re: My auto-finalize rate has to be wrong
Post by: dissolvedgirl on June 20, 2013, 10:33 am
i think the percentage is of total amount of dollars/bitcoin spent and not total amount of orders.  does the math work out that way?
 that still sucks though. next time you could try to extend your deadline by a few days through resolution if it is close to the end & you haven't received your order.  I hope your order at least shows up soon.
Title: Re: My auto-finalize rate has to be wrong
Post by: Libertas on June 20, 2013, 10:49 am
Please see the following section of the SR Wiki:


Title: Re: My auto-finalize rate has to be wrong
Post by: brusselsprout on June 20, 2013, 01:59 pm
Next time just bang the resolution button and ask for a time extension. That'll let you stay in escrow whilst avoiding the AF.
Title: Re: My auto-finalize rate has to be wrong
Post by: killerglass on June 21, 2013, 11:34 am
The same thing happened to me a while back.  I believe the percentage is based on the last couple of months, not your entire history here. I've been on here for over 2 yrs now, and due to my fuck up, I had something autofinalize.  My stats were screwed up for a while.  Just order a bunch of will fix itself!!