Silk Road forums

Support => Bug reports => Topic started by: asshole on May 31, 2013, 02:31 am

Title: Moderater overstepping the boundaries and editing posts.
Post by: asshole on May 31, 2013, 02:31 am
Libertas is overstepping the boundaries of a moderator and editing posts that are not breaking any written rules.
Title: Re: Moderater overstepping the boundaries and editing posts.
Post by: Libertas on May 31, 2013, 02:39 am
As I wrote in response to your PM:

Did dpr change the rules or are you overstepping the boundaries? There is no rule against stories. If there is then show me.

No, DPR did not change any rules, and no, I am not overstepping any boundaries. This is a privately owned forum and we follow the policies set out by the forum's owner, Dread Pirate Roberts, one of which is a strict "No CP" policy.

You're posting child pornography stories and derailing threads by littering them with posts that are completely off-topic. Such behaviour is tantamount to mass spamming, which as you probably know, is also something we do not permit on the main forums.
