Silk Road forums

Support => Bug reports => Topic started by: DoctorFreedom on May 23, 2013, 10:56 am

Title: the 0.01 minimal price problem
Post by: DoctorFreedom on May 23, 2013, 10:56 am
Now that 1BTC is so expensive, it's fairly common to have items valued under 0.01 BTC, for example when you sell pills on a per pill basis.
You set the price of the listing for 1 item, so the user can order any amount of them by simply updating the cart quantity.

However, it seems like SR can't work with amounts under 0.01BTC, so when the price is below that it rounds it up to 0.01BTC (or the dollar equivalent).
If the cart quantity is updated so the amount is over 0.01 it displays the price TOTAL correctly, but still the bad user experience, when the user is unpleasantly surprised with much higher price stays.

So, with the current BTC price and the perspective that it will only raise, won't be wise to make SR work down to 0.001BTC?
Even if not many items need that now, removing that limitation will make it much more "future proof"
Title: Re: the 0.01 minimal price problem
Post by: Luvs2Trip on May 23, 2013, 11:14 am
0.01 at the moment is about 80-85p, surly there is nothing that needs to be sold that is under that price?? Even pills should be more expensive than 80p! Even when bitcoin was at its highest 0.01 will have only been £1.70 which IMO is still to cheap for even 1 pill!

Even if there is some very cheap pills out there, if they are less than 80p I'm sure a listing for 2 of them would be fine!
Title: Re: the 0.01 minimal price problem
Post by: DoctorFreedom on May 27, 2013, 06:45 pm
If you set the prices of your listing per 1 item, so the user can order any amount, there is plenty of stuff that's under $1.
At least for me.

Just hoping the support will see that and consider it as a fix.
Title: Re: the 0.01 minimal price problem
Post by: CHROOT on May 27, 2013, 09:19 pm

So, with the current BTC price and the perspective that it will only raise, won't be wise to make SR work down to 0.001BTC?
Even if not many items need that now, removing that limitation will make it much more "future proof"

Title: Re: the 0.01 minimal price problem
Post by: DoctorFreedom on May 28, 2013, 10:36 am
Ok if someone else supports that request please post here, so the admin can see that there is a demand :)
Title: Re: the 0.01 minimal price problem
Post by: Libertas on May 28, 2013, 10:54 am
Ok if someone else supports that request please post here, so the admin can see that there is a demand :)

I will send this up the chain for administrator consideration at the end of the week.

Title: Re: the 0.01 minimal price problem
Post by: DoctorFreedom on May 28, 2013, 07:42 pm
Very nice of you, thanks! :)