Silk Road forums
Support => Feature requests => Topic started by: Hendrix99 on May 20, 2013, 01:05 am
One thing that needs to be changed about the Resoloution Process is when you buy a few products off one vendor it its counted as different orders so if you order 3 products off one vendor and it falls thru no fault of your own, you now get 3 refunds counted against you!! which is not fair Its really only 1 complete order that got refunded.( I know its displayed as 3 orders but really its 3 items going into 1 order) This should be changed
What do those with pull think about this? or anyone else? Im curious
One thing that needs to be changed about the Resoloution Process is when you buy a few products off one vendor it its counted as different orders so if you order 3 products off one vendor and it falls thru no fault of your own, you now get 3 refunds counted against you!! which is not fair Its really only 1 complete order that got refunded.( I know its displayed as 3 orders but really its 3 items going into 1 order) This should be changed
What do those with pull think about this? or anyone else? Im curious
Orders from the same vendor are often shipped separately, so a system such as the one you suggest simply would not work.
Moving this to Feature requests as it is not a Support issue.
Sorry for Putting it in the wrong forum, I dont know why I didnt Figure that one out .
Thanks for the reply . But I dont see why It couldnt work with this system. Have it count as 1 refund whether or not there was 1 or multiple orders that needed refunding. The feedback could be posted accordingly so other buyers would still be aware .
am I off base here or is a good or possibly atleast a not bad idea. Just throwing ideas out there. I love this place and Have lots of perfect purchases not one glitch for LOTD of buys untill I fell for 2 F/E scams (1 was required for all purchases by all buyers -Lucydrop and he was one of if not THE biggest lsd vendor so that was a curve ball. ) The other was a smooth talkin The Teflondon goof with a F/E for Free express with tracking. well I learned my lesson believe me and have utilized these forums alot more now.
But I dont know if there is just more scammin on but seems like there are more shady vendors - I mostly use trusted but sometimes want something new so try a new vendor. So I have had the Pleasure/Displeasure of using the Resoloution process.
Man I gotta say It is an awesome thing cause You can get your money back.
Well In the last short while Ive had to use it twice - now about to go on a third
The first was SamGiancana!!! who im sure most know . a huge sc2ammer who got tonnes of ppl to F/E early but I had already learned my lesson. But I had 2 orders with him so I would have had 2 counted against me luckily not cause he was booted and it expired in resolotion
The next was with another vendor(not naming because he was cool about it and I dont want to flame him) but He never sent it out so gave me a full refund . again 2 orders so these 2 did count against me
now I Have another order in with a vendor who sent me bunk(fake) product-all baking soda (I talked about this in another post)
Well I also had 2 orders with him ( one 2 gram order and one .25 gram order cause all the coins I had) Im not naming this vendor yet either cause Im trying to work it out with him before going into resoloution and meet in the middle but he wont respond yet so if this goes into resolotion it will be another 2 counts!!
I order 2 orders alot off one vendor because you can order more with less shipping costs and sometimes like the last example you add another small order to spend the rest of your coins.
I know the First thing I need to do is stop Experimenting with so many new vendors but its hard when New vendors are appearing all the time and others are leaving or what ever so you cant always stick to the same trustworthy vendors. But I still have a few.
Sorry for the story , Just curious If I thought of a good Idea or not?
Sorry I just wanted to add one thing, I think I know what you mean by Sometimes orders from the same vendor are shipped serperately . I guess there would need to be a way to distinguish whether it was all being shipped together or not. Either make it by date ( if the orders are put in transit on the same date then they are considered one or
make every vendor have a shipping option that says "Ship together with another order" Which I wish all vendors had that anyways because It sux when they dont. But if Every Vendor had that shipping option then any order that had that Option chose for shipping would not count as another refund if 1 is already counted on that order.
Just shootin ideas out :-). I Honestly Cherished my perfect buyers stats and even contemplated taking the hit to keep them Because I dont want the good vendors having a second thought on whether they should deal with me. Im straight up honest and am just happy to get what I paid for ( I understand hiccups in this biz and am very understanding on delays alone). It just seems in the last little while Ive been dealing with sheisters and now im going to have possibly 4 refunds on my record (could have been 6 if SamGiancana had refunded before he got banned.
what do you think?
I can't address all the points above due to time constraints, Hendrix99, but as far as making buyers include a certain shipping option, that is not possible. Silk Road is a free-market marketplace, and attempting to force vendors to include a certain shipping option would be tantamount to market regulation which is something that we simply cannot allow to occur. Both buyers and vendors suffer in markets that enforce regulation - you can see this clear as day in the real-world markets with falsely inflated prices, for instance.
As far whether it was "a good idea or not", all ideas are good ideas when they're laid out for discussion! :) It is only by doing this that we find solutions to our problems!
Again, sorry I can't engage with you on all the points you've brought up, but I'm very busy at the moment. I'm sure others will chime in here though if they agree that a feature based around the idea you have put forward is warranted. :)
Thanks alot Libertas! no problem at all I see your name in a lot of posts, You are a very busy person , you answer alot of question.
Big props for that
I have never ever seen a forum where moderators thoroughly go through all the forums and keep tabs on everything and answer all the questions brought forth, and very quickly, these forums are very active, Im quite surprised.
Thanks again for helping make this place kick ass!
Thanks alot Libertas! no problem at all I see your name in a lot of posts, You are a very busy person , you answer alot of question.
Big props for that
I have never ever seen a forum where moderators thoroughly go through all the forums and keep tabs on everything and answer all the questions brought forth, and very quickly, these forums are very active, Im quite surprised.
Thanks again for helping make this place kick ass!
Thank you very much! :)
This place is much more than just a forum though - it is a community, and a stepping stone to the future of complete personal freedom from government interference. Each and every member here is making a difference and fighting that good fight, so the thanks goes to them, and you for being part of it!