Silk Road forums

Discussion => Newbie discussion => Topic started by: MrChinoCat on May 17, 2013, 06:14 pm

Title: Anyone having problems with new Tor Browser bundle update???
Post by: MrChinoCat on May 17, 2013, 06:14 pm
Since Monday every time I open my Tor Browser I get a message that says "Security update available for Tor Browser" followed by a link to the download page. On the download page there is no update download, but just a download for Tor Browser bundle. So I assumed this download is just a new version and I downloaded it. After downloading I unzip and try to run this new version, but I get an error message that says "Error code 2: Tor exited abnormally" and then two crazy ass gibberish files appear in the directory. I've tried re-downloading a few times, as I thought perhaps the download was corrupted en route. Needless to say it's the same thing every time. Anyone else having issues like this?

Title: Re: Anyone having problems with new Tor Browser bundle update???
Post by: MrChinoCat on May 17, 2013, 06:58 pm
Title: Re: Anyone having problems with new Tor Browser bundle update???
Post by: Darktime on May 17, 2013, 07:34 pm
try deleting the old one 1st.It worked for me the second time i downloaded it but i cant remember what i changed for it to do so,sorry,fkn useless that was!  :o
Title: Re: Anyone having problems with new Tor Browser bundle update???
Post by: MrChinoCat on May 17, 2013, 07:39 pm
try deleting the old one 1st.It worked for me the second time i downloaded it but i cant remember what i changed for it to do so,sorry,fkn useless that was!  :o

Thanks Darktime! Not useless at all actually. I was thinking that could be the problem, but didn't want to be stuck without a working Tor Browser. I think I will try that, as it seems like a logical fix.
Title: Re: Anyone having problems with new Tor Browser bundle update???
Post by: Aktion1314 on May 17, 2013, 07:41 pm
I've yet to download the browser bundle [update].. Soooo IDK. Sorry I can't help more.

edited: because my retarded ass forgot a word.
Title: Re: Anyone having problems with new Tor Browser bundle update???
Post by: RobLoblaw on May 17, 2013, 08:24 pm
everytime i open the tor browser it tells me there is an update and provides a download link. i have downloaded the update a few times and it extracted the package and it installed properly i believe. then it says its done but when i reopen the browser i get the same message so i'm not sure if it updated or not  :o
Title: Re: Anyone having problems with new Tor Browser bundle update???
Post by: DoctorFate on May 17, 2013, 08:43 pm
Someone correct me if I'm wrong here but isn't tor a standalone program? Meaning it doesn't need to be installed?

You basically have to delete the old tor bundle directory and download then extract the updated version and start using that.

If your using windows, even though the bundle download is a .exe file I think it just unpacks the tor bundle to the directory of your choice.

I'm thinking if you've download the new version and your still getting the update message then your still using the tor in the old directory, delete that and start using the new version.
Title: Re: Anyone having problems with new Tor Browser bundle update???
Post by: Libertas on May 17, 2013, 09:04 pm
I've yet to download the browser bundle.. Soooo IDK. Sorry I can't help more.

Please tell me you're not using to access Silk Road and these forums?!?! :o

Title: Re: Anyone having problems with new Tor Browser bundle update???
Post by: MrChinoCat on May 17, 2013, 09:22 pm
Someone correct me if I'm wrong here but isn't tor a standalone program? Meaning it doesn't need to be installed?

You basically have to delete the old tor bundle directory and download then extract the updated version and start using that.

If your using windows, even though the bundle download is a .exe file I think it just unpacks the tor bundle to the directory of your choice.

I'm thinking if you've download the new version and your still getting the update message then your still using the tor in the old directory, delete that and start using the new version.

Well this is embarrassing :-[  The problem had nothing to do with having to delete the old version first. It was my own stupid mistake. I downloaded the 64-bit, and I should have downloaded 32-bit. I got confused because my machine is dual boot with Win7 and Ubuntu (side note: Ubuntu is FAR better than windows) and my Win7 side is 64-bit, but Ubuntu is 32-bit. Once I remembered that I downloaded the correct version and my secure updated version of Tor Browser working like a charm! Sorry for the confusion you guys, and thanks for the replies!

Title: Re: Anyone having problems with new Tor Browser bundle update???
Post by: RobLoblaw on May 17, 2013, 09:35 pm
Someone correct me if I'm wrong here but isn't tor a standalone program? Meaning it doesn't need to be installed?

You basically have to delete the old tor bundle directory and download then extract the updated version and start using that.

If your using windows, even though the bundle download is a .exe file I think it just unpacks the tor bundle to the directory of your choice.

I'm thinking if you've download the new version and your still getting the update message then your still using the tor in the old directory, delete that and start using the new version.

you were right. thank you
Title: Re: Anyone having problems with new Tor Browser bundle update???
Post by: Darktime on May 17, 2013, 09:38 pm
you dont have to delete the old one as i have both.just use the new one.I will delete the old one once i have taken the addresses i need over to the new one as it doesnt keep your bookmarks when you upload the new one.

In fact, good point I just made lol-DONT delete the old one until you back-up your bookmarks or you will loose your addresses!!

and lol at 64 bit mr chinocat!
Title: Re: Anyone having problems with new Tor Browser bundle update???
Post by: NoAddedSugar on May 17, 2013, 09:42 pm
Be careful what you bookmark folks, although, not a crime to look at SR I imagine, unless you're living in some oppressive regime under a fascist dictator, like the UK. :P
Title: Re: Anyone having problems with new Tor Browser bundle update???
Post by: Aktion1314 on May 17, 2013, 09:46 pm
I've yet to download the browser bundle.. Soooo IDK. Sorry I can't help more.

Please tell me you're not using to access Silk Road and these forums?!?! :o


LOL. Shit no. I may be lazy but not THAT lazy :) Using the TOR browser bundle on Mac OSX. I think there's an update available but I don't know and won't be arsed to install more crap. I see the update thing and just shrug and go "that's for Windows people," and I move on. Grin.
Title: Re: Anyone having problems with new Tor Browser bundle update???
Post by: Aktion1314 on May 17, 2013, 09:52 pm
Dammit, Libertas! I just realized I forgot to use the word UPDATE.
I meant to say that I've yet to download the bundle update. Took me a second to realize why you'd asked that. It's been a longass day, sorry.
Title: Re: Anyone having problems with new Tor Browser bundle update???
Post by: Libertas on May 17, 2013, 10:19 pm
Ahhh, that explains a lot then! :P

Title: Re: Anyone having problems with new Tor Browser bundle update???
Post by: Thekla1 on May 18, 2013, 07:08 pm
Hiya Aktion1314

I would prob advise updating you just click on the orange line that says update available, takes you to the Tor download page, default it will show the Windows download, and on the right it will say MacOSx. Just click on that, then the download icon, it will take less than a minute to download, and then from your downloads list that will appear as the latest numbered version. I'm running 10.8.3, and you don't have to restart or anything.

Given the nature of the community and activities you and I are involved with, why take any chance on security? Better safe than sorry, I suggest.

Take care.