Silk Road forums

Discussion => Security => Topic started by: londonpride2 on May 17, 2013, 03:03 am

Title: The FE problem
Post by: londonpride2 on May 17, 2013, 03:03 am
As long as your reputation is good then FE early really should not be happening but for those that seem to insist on doing so how about pointing out you 'love their service but are looking elsewhere due to the FE issue' when you order (or words to that effect). If everyone did this the problem of vendors demanding it would soon disappear and hopefully some of the scammers.

Just an idea please don't shoot me down I have been up for rather a long time now, I cannot sleep, life is a blur.
Title: Re: The FE problem
Post by: Christy Nugs on May 17, 2013, 04:00 am
never FE !
vendors - build the cost into ur price structure and search the crap buyer thread in the roundtable before
sending anything.

the only clowns that would be left r a couple first time buyers!
Title: Re: The FE problem
Post by: Libertas on May 17, 2013, 04:02 am
As long as your reputation is good then FE early really should not be happening but for those that seem to insist on doing so how about pointing out you 'love their service but are looking elsewhere due to the FE issue' when you order (or words to that effect). If everyone did this the problem of vendors demanding it would soon disappear and hopefully some of the scammers.

Just an idea please don't shoot me down I have been up for rather a long time now, I cannot sleep, life is a blur.

Any and all ideas that might go even a small way to solving the issue of buyers FE'ing is always more than welcome, londonpride2! I can't see you getting shot down over this! :) Hope sleep comes soon though - not a good feeling, not being able to get any shuteye. :(

Title: Re: The FE problem
Post by: Squirrel on May 17, 2013, 04:20 am
Greed drives FE.  Greed is never good.  Unless you're Gordon Gekko.