Silk Road forums

Discussion => Newbie discussion => Topic started by: Juicebox420 on May 16, 2013, 03:27 pm

Title: My Shipment Hasn't Arrived And I Don't Know What To Do
Post by: Juicebox420 on May 16, 2013, 03:27 pm
Last wednesday I ordered a product from the seller The Top Shelf, he was very highly rated and had been on SR for a reasonable amount of time, I was ordering weed, so I asked if I could have two of his strands and he kindly obliged saying that I could, but he replied that due to the listings that I would need to finalize early. I wasn't sketched out by this, I have finalized early before and everything was fine. But now, I am becoming very unnerved, I spent practically all of my money to my name on this order and it's been over a week and the product has not arrived, but even more sketchy, is that the seller The Top Shelf has seemed to disappear off of SR and I've repeatedly messaged him, receiving absolutely no response. If anybody has been in a situation like this before or has dealt with The Top Shelf before, please help me out.
Title: Re: My Shipment Hasn't Arrived And I Don't Know What To Do
Post by: chinacat101 on May 16, 2013, 03:43 pm
Yup, TopShelf just scammed a bunch of people, sorry bro. On a positive note, your address is still safe.
Title: Re: My Shipment Hasn't Arrived And I Don't Know What To Do
Post by: Libertas on May 16, 2013, 04:05 pm
Last wednesday I ordered a product from the seller The Top Shelf, he was very highly rated and had been on SR for a reasonable amount of time, I was ordering weed, so I asked if I could have two of his strands and he kindly obliged saying that I could, but he replied that due to the listings that I would need to finalize early. I wasn't sketched out by this, I have finalized early before and everything was fine. But now, I am becoming very unnerved, I spent practically all of my money to my name on this order and it's been over a week and the product has not arrived, but even more sketchy, is that the seller The Top Shelf has seemed to disappear off of SR and I've repeatedly messaged him, receiving absolutely no response. If anybody has been in a situation like this before or has dealt with The Top Shelf before, please help me out.

The Top Shelf has had their vending privileges revoked for scamming users. They will not be coming back.
Sorry to hear that you got burned, but you know the risk you are taking when you FE.

Please read the following:



Never, ever FE. Finalising means what it sounds like it means: that the transaction has been concluded and both parties are satisfied. Silk Road cannot protect you when you decide to go around the safety that the escrow system provides.

Title: Re: Question for Libertas:My Shipment Hasn't Arrived And I Don't Know What To Do
Post by: sclerogal on May 16, 2013, 04:49 pm
Libertas, I have a question for you.  What do you do if you are a newbie, and since your purchase count is so low a vendor's policy is to FE early.  I understand under no circumstances your not suppose to FE early, but most Vendors ask that of us?  So what do you do?  I have barely made 4 purchases since I keep running in to this issue?  It says on the wiki that we are suppose to "Report" the vendor if this is the case.  I would be reporting every other vendor then.  It's dambed if you do dambed if you don't.  So, how is SR enforcing the policy??  Please help us "Noobs"out here.  I specifically came here to be anonymously safe, find product needed, and NOT be scammed. 
Title: Re: My Shipment Hasn't Arrived And I Don't Know What To Do
Post by: Marfulavapa on May 16, 2013, 05:02 pm
Sorry brother!  Never FE unless you have many successful transactions with the same vendor. I only FE for TylerDurdeen.  ;)
Title: Re: Question for Libertas:My Shipment Hasn't Arrived And I Don't Know What To Do
Post by: Libertas on May 16, 2013, 05:07 pm
Libertas, I have a question for you.  What do you do if you are a newbie, and since your purchase count is so low a vendor's policy is to FE early.  I understand under no circumstances your not suppose to FE early, but most Vendors ask that of us?  So what do you do?  I have barely made 4 purchases since I keep running in to this issue?  It says on the wiki that we are suppose to "Report" the vendor if this is the case.  I would be reporting every other vendor then.  It's dambed if you do dambed if you don't.  So, how is SR enforcing the policy??  Please help us "Noobs"out here.  I specifically came here to be anonymously safe, find product needed, and NOT be scammed.

Hi sclerogal,

Silk Road is a free-market based marketplace. As a result, vendors are free to set their own policies regarding how and with whom they do business, as long as they do not violate the terms of the seller contract that they agree to abide by upon becoming a vendor.

There is nothing you can do if your vendor requires people with a certain transaction level to FE. Once they have reached 35+ transactions, and have been a vendor for one month or more, they are entitled to ask buyers to FE if they wish to do so.

I'm glad to see you've read the Wiki; however, it does not state to report the vendor for requesting that buyers FE:

NEVER go around the escrow and pay a vendor directly. We will be totally unable to protect you in this event and the vendor will have much less motivation to serve you well. People HAVE been scammed this way. If a seller requests that you pay them directly, please let us know so we can address the situation.

NOTICE: If your seller instructs you to pay directly, outside of the escrow system, or with any other method than through the site checkout system, you should report it immediately to our support staff via the "report vendor" link along with any evidence you can provide. If you do pay your seller directly, there will be no way for us to protect you from fraud.

What the above refer to is sending the vendor BTC directly to their username rather than through the site checkout and escrow system. All orders placed with the "place order" button are automatically placed in escrow. When you FE, you willfully leave the safety of that and are left completely unprotected.

Silk Road enforces the policy of 'no direct payments' by immediately stripping a vendor of their vending privileges if they are found to be in breach of that policy.
As far as FE is concerned, there are many vendors that accept new members but do not require them to leave the safety of escrow until their order has arrived and they are fully satisfied with it.

Regardless of what any vendor may ask you to do, Silk Road recommends that you never, ever FE. I hope that I've sufficiently answered your questions but if not, just let me know and I can clarify. :)

Title: Re: My Shipment Hasn't Arrived And I Don't Know What To Do
Post by: schnelles on May 16, 2013, 05:13 pm
do NOT FE !

if a vendor requires FE, do NOT BUY from him.
even if he has the most phantastic feedback - don't buy !

there are only 2 chances :

1.) the vendor is real and no scammer but asks for for FE from newcomers (only), then if you dont buy you might
     miss a good quality chance, but your money stays in your pocket. 
    only buy here if you can afford to loose that money, only buy the smallest possible amount first time. 
    if this vendor asks for FE always (not from newcomers only), dont buy from him ever !
    he might still be real (no scammer), but your risk to get burnt is very high !

2.) the vendor is a scammer and you loose your money if you buy.

so if you can afford to loose that money, you may try it (but be aware of the risk of loosing that money).
if you can NOT afford to loose that money, do never FE !

stay away from sellers that ask for FE and use the others.
if there are no others at the moment, wait a while until a seller without asking for FE appears.

Title: Re: My Shipment Hasn't Arrived And I Don't Know What To Do
Post by: sclerogal on May 16, 2013, 05:29 pm
Thanks to everyone for answering this question.  I directed to libertas since he addressed the subject matter, but any senior member could answer and I wanted everyone to see the responses. Thanks Again!!