Silk Road forums

Support => Customer support => Topic started by: shmeghed on May 15, 2013, 06:57 am

Title: SilkRoad Account problems...
Post by: shmeghed on May 15, 2013, 06:57 am
Hey all!
This website blows my mind ay!
freedom should be balanced with responsibility, i know, and it is, but damn this opens opportunities!
im new can ya tell?
anyway, ive tried to place an order, all flowed well until my bitcoins left my wallet, but havent turned up in my SR account..
i followed suggestions to transfer into the given bitcoin address, but this time it hasnt worked...
its been alot longer than any other time ive used the site.
are things running slow?
have i fallen victim to the phishers?
is there a way to check?

smile fuckers! xo
Title: Re: SilkRoad Account problems...
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on May 15, 2013, 07:00 am
Go to and enter your will show 'confirmations' next to the address. A minimum of 6 confirmations is whats needed until you see your coin in SR.

Some times it can take much longer, but its not common.
Title: Re: SilkRoad Account problems...
Post by: Libertas on May 15, 2013, 07:34 am
Hey all!
This website blows my mind ay!
freedom should be balanced with responsibility, i know, and it is, but damn this opens opportunities!
im new can ya tell?
anyway, ive tried to place an order, all flowed well until my bitcoins left my wallet, but havent turned up in my SR account..
i followed suggestions to transfer into the given bitcoin address, but this time it hasnt worked...
its been alot longer than any other time ive used the site.
are things running slow?
have i fallen victim to the phishers?
is there a way to check?

smile fuckers! xo

Hi shmeghead,

Please follow dirtybiscuitzz718's instructions above (thanks, dirtybiscuitzz718), and read the following on the SR Wiki:

Why isn't my deposit showing up in my account?

It can take up to 6 hours for a deposit to be confirmed on the blockchain, processed, and credited to your Silk Road account. If your deposit still hasn't shown up, first check that it is showing up on the blockchain by searching for your deposit address on a site like If your transfer doesn't appear here, then it was never sent and you need to find out why from the person or organization who initiated the transfer. If the transfer does appear, then there could be a problem on our end and you should contact us.

Title: Re: SilkRoad Account problems...
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on May 15, 2013, 07:39 am
Title: Re: SilkRoad Account problems...
Post by: shmeghed on May 15, 2013, 11:29 pm
Fuckin ay!
sorted ;)
May litres of bliss n gratitude rain down upon thee!
checked out all the links; the blockchain is great to know about though i dont think i fully understand it all yet... so as i see it so far the transfers made are supported by the 'mining' process, and the reason it took longer this time is because theres a differed balance between people 'mining'(mining being the process of supporting transactions for others?) and people transferring as last time i made a transfer to SR?
and the number of confirmations is relative to the support and surety that the transfer has happened?
but then that begs the question of why the confirmations keep rising beyond it being confirmed adequately for the transfer to occur?? if this is the way it works i must question if a transfer can be 'un-mined' because the transfer happens at 6 or so confirmations but it continues to be confirmed.... why continue beyond 6? i thought confirmation would be definitive?
the transfer in question is now sitting on 96 confirmations, however previous transfers show no register of confirmations... who many before its decided that the transfer is fully confirmed?

Ahhhhh complex shit ay! monstrous head fuckery! haha, love it! produced by advanced anarchistic principles, im damn glad this kinda freedom has been created, and the fact its supported and used shows me theres an intelligently collaborated crew against the regular, and making their own!

Thanks again good cunts!! xo
Title: Re: SilkRoad Account problems...
Post by: Libertas on May 15, 2013, 11:47 pm
Fuckin ay!
sorted ;)
May litres of bliss n gratitude rain down upon thee!
checked out all the links; the blockchain is great to know about though i dont think i fully understand it all yet... so as i see it so far the transfers made are supported by the 'mining' process, and the reason it took longer this time is because theres a differed balance between people 'mining'(mining being the process of supporting transactions for others?) and people transferring as last time i made a transfer to SR?
and the number of confirmations is relative to the support and surety that the transfer has happened?
but then that begs the question of why the confirmations keep rising beyond it being confirmed adequately for the transfer to occur?? if this is the way it works i must question if a transfer can be 'un-mined' because the transfer happens at 6 or so confirmations but it continues to be confirmed.... why continue beyond 6? i thought confirmation would be definitive?
the transfer in question is now sitting on 96 confirmations, however previous transfers show no register of confirmations... who many before its decided that the transfer is fully confirmed?

Ahhhhh complex shit ay! monstrous head fuckery! haha, love it! produced by advanced anarchistic principles, im damn glad this kinda freedom has been created, and the fact its supported and used shows me theres an intelligently collaborated crew against the regular, and making their own!

Thanks again good cunts!! xo

Great, glad to hear your deposit has arrived! :)

'Mining' is the process of using computer/graphic/microchip power to solve complex mathematical algorithms in order to produce a new 'block' and add it to the blockchain. This block contains a record of all Bitcoin transactions that have occurred since the last block was added, and so on so forth. Each time a new block is added to the blockchain, the transaction that occurred in the previous block gets another confirmation. The more confirmations a block has, the harder it is to theoretically undo it. It's like building a wall block by block from the ground up - the more blocks you add to the wall, the harder it is to get at or move the blocks lower down. :)

With enough computer processing power, an entity could theoretically reverse the transactions that occurred previously in the blockchain. However, it takes significantly more power to do this the more confirmations (or blocks on top of it) that the transaction has, hence the increasing number of confirmations for each transaction as blocks are added!

Generally speaking, a transfer is considered fully confirmed by most people once it has reached 3 confirmations. This may increase to 6 confirmations due to the huge amount of processing power that is going to be released into the mining system in the coming months to safeguard against the possibility of a single group temporarily amassing enough processing power to cause a 'fork' in the blockchain. You'll have to read more about that over on the Bitcoin Wiki though, I'm afraid! ;)

As for this:

Thanks again good cunts!! xo

Cracked up! ;D


EDIT: Locked as resolved.