Silk Road forums

Support => Customer support => Topic started by: mrmilleripresume on May 14, 2013, 01:47 pm

Title: Kicked off The Road Suddenly / No Access
Post by: mrmilleripresume on May 14, 2013, 01:47 pm
Is something going on with the site? I was logged in on SR looking over my orders when all of a sudden, I get kicked out to the login screen and now I can't get back in. Nothing really odd about the login screen except the captcha is only three numbers. I'm positive my PW is correct, just wondering if maybe it's something you all are aware of or have seen before. I'll try again here in a bit. I'm pretty new, so I'm still learning the quirks of using a site like this one.
Title: Re: Kicked off The Road Suddenly / No Access
Post by: mrmilleripresume on May 14, 2013, 01:58 pm
Well whatever it was, it seems OK now.  Captcha is back to the normal format and I logged right in. I've been kicked like that before, but I've never had a problem logging in afterward.
Title: Re: Kicked off The Road Suddenly / No Access
Post by: Libertas on May 14, 2013, 03:33 pm
Hi folks,

You will not be able to login to the site when you see a 3 character captcha. Please refresh the page until you see a full-length captcha and you should be able to login just fine. The captcha software doesn't always play nice with site hardening measures is all.

Thread locked as resolved.
