Silk Road forums

Discussion => Newbie discussion => Topic started by: ahbeu590 on May 12, 2013, 06:50 pm

Title: Protection against sellers that don't send their product?
Post by: ahbeu590 on May 12, 2013, 06:50 pm
Hey everyone. I'm new to the Road. I've ordered two things so far. One came in in two days and I'm still waiting on the other one (marked "in transit" 1 week ago). I was wondering what kind of policies are in place to protect buyers. I know that I can file a dispute if I don't receive the product, but the vendor has 100+ feedback and I'm a new buyer so I doubt they'd side with me. Should I just wait it out, and if I don't get it, cut my losses?
Title: Re: Protection against sellers that don't send their product?
Post by: abitpeckish on May 12, 2013, 06:54 pm
Have you spoken with the vendor using the messaging features of the site? It's been a rough ride on the SR lately, and there are going to be some bruises.
Title: Re: Protection against sellers that don't send their product?
Post by: ahbeu590 on May 12, 2013, 07:01 pm
I haven't. I'll send them a message to check in. Good advice. Thank you!
Title: Re: Protection against sellers that don't send their product?
Post by: z3n on May 12, 2013, 07:08 pm
You have to wait, and then if you didn't receive don't let it auto finalize, ask the resolution center.. and then see how it goes :)

If you didn't FE, you'll probably find a way..

But a week isn't that long, don't be afraid to wait another week!

Title: Re: Protection against sellers that don't send their product?
Post by: Meerkovo on May 12, 2013, 07:10 pm
It would depend on if the package was shipped domestically or internationally. If domestic you should have it by now, otherwise wait it out a little longer.
Title: Re: Protection against sellers that don't send their product?
Post by: Libertas on May 12, 2013, 07:29 pm
Hey everyone. I'm new to the Road. I've ordered two things so far. One came in in two days and I'm still waiting on the other one (marked "in transit" 1 week ago). I was wondering what kind of policies are in place to protect buyers. I know that I can file a dispute if I don't receive the product, but the vendor has 100+ feedback and I'm a new buyer so I doubt they'd side with me. Should I just wait it out, and if I don't get it, cut my losses?

Hi abeu590,

The administrator takes a number of factors into account when making their decision, not just the fact that a vendor has high feedback and the buyer is a new member. Please also note that although you may be a little anxious (and I fully understand that), packages do take varying amounts of time to reach their destinations.
Please read the following over on the SR Wiki:


My order hasn't arrived or it's not what I expected.

If your order hasn't come after waiting 10 days, you should click "resolve" next to it on your orders page. This will put the order into resolution. Read all of the instructions in the Resolution Center, and try to come to an agreeable resolution with your vendor.

Clicking on the resolution button automatically extends the period until an administrator will see it by 5 days (for a total of 22 days from the date of the order).

Leaving an order 'til the last day to finalise or take into reslution is highly inadvisable for a number of reasons, one of which is in case you have login issues (meaning that your order would auto-finalise and hurt your stats), and another is that the vendor will be expecting the payment at the end of day 17. If you enter resolution and propose an extension on the final day - or the day before that - then the vendor is suddenly forced to wait an extra X amount of days rather than knowing beforehand that there would be a delay in getting paid.

Resolution is an incredibly common process, and taking an issue to resolution does not impact negatively on the vendor in any way, shape or form.
