Silk Road forums

Discussion => Newbie discussion => Topic started by: spiritualjourney on May 10, 2013, 04:38 am

Title: an actual question - not just running up post count - Exactly how do you.......?
Post by: spiritualjourney on May 10, 2013, 04:38 am
I apologize for my ignorance here. Obviously a newbie, unfortunately a tad confused newbie. I am "old" so please keep it easy for me. Say I wanted to indulge in a spiritual quest and wanted to pick up some lsd. I understand it needs paid for in bitcoins....I am taking for granted I have to already have the bitcoins in my wallet ?
Saw a vendor and product I was interested in, in the listing he said you had to meet his qualifications listed in his vendors page. So I clicked on his name, thinking that would take me there, but it just took me to what he was selling, nothing else - am I missing something here ?
Don't get me wrong, is great I could buy some things I have wanted to try this way, especially as I personally believe the "government" basical;ly does everything it can to keep us from exploring our consciousness, but man I miss the "old days", growing up in the 70's and I could just meander about anywhere and pick up some Mr getting old and living in a town u did not grow up in.....
anyway....basically just want to make sure i get this right.
Eventually, if I ever get my post count up, I wouldn't mind checking into maybe seeing if anyone wouldn;t want to make a trade for some lsd or ???? because i have a prescription to adderrall and it so happens i have about 30 extra every month.............
Title: Re: an actual question - not just running up post count - Exactly how do you.......?
Post by: wl2ong1 on May 10, 2013, 04:48 am
We are all ignorant about something. You do have to get BTC and I recommend trying Craigslist or because you can meet with someone in person and pay cash for BTC. If you use localbitcoins and get them to follow LBC procedure, they will transfer the BTC to your LBC wallet and that can be done instantly, so you have your BTC at the time of transaction. From there you would send it to your SR wallet. If you use CL, you just have them send it to your SR wallet, wait for confirmation, then give it 45 to an hour to hit your SR wallet and you're good to go. It's the easiest way to gain BTC in my opinion. If you are more interested in trying this way, I am more than willing to offer any assistance I can.

Hopefully you are close to a larger city as being in a remote location can make it difficult to obtain BTC at times.
Title: Re: an actual question - not just running up post count - Exactly how do you.......?
Post by: goldenrod on May 10, 2013, 05:22 am
So your problem is you couldn't find his vendor's page?

Try searching for his product (LSD right?) using the search engine then scroll thro the vendors that come up until you find him and click on his name there. That should bring you to his vendor's page.
Title: Re: an actual question - not just running up post count - Exactly how do you.......?
Post by: spiritualjourney on May 10, 2013, 03:53 pm
1st, thanks for the replies. Bitcoins - alas, I do live in a small town, but will check out CL and see what I come up with. I just figured I would use bitinstant etc....I understand there is around a 4% fee, but considering what I want to purchase, not too concerned with that.
Vendor - I will try that again. Last night when I did that I just came up with more product they were selling and their feedback comments.
I do appreciate you taking the time to reply
Title: Re: an actual question - not just running up post count - Exactly how do you.......?
Post by: disruptive2 on May 10, 2013, 04:19 pm
Good luck and enjoy your quest :)
Title: Re: an actual question - not just running up post count - Exactly how do you.......?
Post by: Libertas on May 10, 2013, 04:29 pm
I apologize for my ignorance here. Obviously a newbie, unfortunately a tad confused newbie. I am "old" so please keep it easy for me. Say I wanted to indulge in a spiritual quest and wanted to pick up some lsd. I understand it needs paid for in bitcoins....I am taking for granted I have to already have the bitcoins in my wallet ?
Saw a vendor and product I was interested in, in the listing he said you had to meet his qualifications listed in his vendors page. So I clicked on his name, thinking that would take me there, but it just took me to what he was selling, nothing else - am I missing something here ?
Don't get me wrong, is great I could buy some things I have wanted to try this way, especially as I personally believe the "government" basical;ly does everything it can to keep us from exploring our consciousness, but man I miss the "old days", growing up in the 70's and I could just meander about anywhere and pick up some Mr getting old and living in a town u did not grow up in.....
anyway....basically just want to make sure i get this right.
Eventually, if I ever get my post count up, I wouldn't mind checking into maybe seeing if anyone wouldn;t want to make a trade for some lsd or ???? because i have a prescription to adderrall and it so happens i have about 30 extra every month.............

Hi spiritualjourney,

You can find the answers to most of your questions in the Silk Road Wiki F.A.Q. section and Buyer's Guide section. Links below:

Buyer's Guide:


Title: Re: an actual question - not just running up post count - Exactly how do you.......?
Post by: tree on May 10, 2013, 04:31 pm
Last night when I did that I just came up with more product they were selling and their feedback comments.
Well that *is* the vendor's page.. It should have thing written and you should read all that to know if you qualify. You won't qualify though, because you're totally new. As a new buyer, what you can do is do some lotteries (there are some LSD lotteries too) to have better qualifications, if you have 0 transaction history, you're probably just gonna get scammed, or vendors won't be willing to do business with you.

I also recommend you read the vendor's feedbacks before ordering, to know if their stuff is any good.

Also, bitinstant is probably better than localbitcoins or craigslist but there may be more fees. Bitcoin sellers on CL or LBC also charge a fee so..
Title: Re: an actual question - not just running up post count - Exactly how do you.......?
Post by: wl2ong1 on May 10, 2013, 05:44 pm
Tree is right, everything is going to have a fee and bitinstant is probably the best route for you based on where you live... It's just a bit of a hassle, from what I understand. I haven't done it and maybe it has changed since researched it. For me, the meeting in person was the easiest route, that doesn't mean it will be for everyone else. I just share my experience in hopes that it does help someone else.
Title: Re: an actual question - not just running up post count - Exactly how do you.......?
Post by: BajoZero on May 11, 2013, 02:51 am
OP, most vendors won't be able to engage in trade with you because it would require them to give up their anonymity.
Title: Re: an actual question - not just running up post count - Exactly how do you.......?
Post by: Libertas on May 11, 2013, 02:59 am
OP, most vendors won't be able to engage in trade with you because it would require them to give up their anonymity.

This is true, trades are explicitly prohibited here for obvious reasons!

Title: Re: an actual question - not just running up post count - Exactly how do you.......?
Post by: spiritualjourney on May 12, 2013, 05:26 pm
again, thanks for all the info. Is a bummer about buying as a newbie. In a way I understand, but then again, as it is totally anonymous and they have their bitcoins before they send the product..................... I guess it comes down to the "finalizing" feedback ? 
It's always a shame how the some screw it up for the many, imo.
Seems there are some who are never satisfied and have to complain about something. Is amazing what they can be unhappy about sometimes... example - "took me a day longer then expected...horrible experience" - Hey, u are sitting at home receiving your product of choice, if it takes 3-4 days longer - u are still sitting at home receiving product..........oh does seem like there are quite a few that will sell to newbies like me.
I did notice some have a newbie charge tacked on.......more power to them but I will hopefully be satisfied with someone else.
I think the only way you should complain , and that is AFTER talking to the vendor, nicely, and checking in with them is if maybe you get something different then what you ordered, you don't ever get it at all (tho if they have good feedback, could just be the usps got it and not really sure why that is seller's fault - is why I will only buy domestic personally to lessen the risk) or if it is a blatant ripoff. Otherwise I always just figured lesson learned and move on.
Of course is why the 1st thing I always do check is the feedback....anyway.....sorry to be verbose - my legal drugs, morphine and adderall kicked in.
The irony - everyone has zero problems with me sucking down morphone every day for the last 15 years. I tell them I want to wean myself off of it and try taking care of myself with pot for the pain, along with some shrooms for the anti-depressant (tho I am also wanting lsd for the exploration of my consciousness and I just discovered the virtues of mdma for medicinal purposes) and people freak out (wife) and tell me how "horrible" it is, why would I do such a thing etc.
Is amazing how well they have people brainwashed
Title: Re: an actual question - not just running up post count - Exactly how do you.......?
Post by: wl2ong1 on May 12, 2013, 06:49 pm
again, thanks for all the info. Is a bummer about buying as a newbie. In a way I understand, but then again, as it is totally anonymous and they have their bitcoins before they send the product..................... I guess it comes down to the "finalizing" feedback ? 
It's always a shame how the some screw it up for the many, imo.
Seems there are some who are never satisfied and have to complain about something. Is amazing what they can be unhappy about sometimes... example - "took me a day longer then expected...horrible experience" - Hey, u are sitting at home receiving your product of choice, if it takes 3-4 days longer - u are still sitting at home receiving product..........oh does seem like there are quite a few that will sell to newbies like me.
I did notice some have a newbie charge tacked on.......more power to them but I will hopefully be satisfied with someone else.
I think the only way you should complain , and that is AFTER talking to the vendor, nicely, and checking in with them is if maybe you get something different then what you ordered, you don't ever get it at all (tho if they have good feedback, could just be the usps got it and not really sure why that is seller's fault - is why I will only buy domestic personally to lessen the risk) or if it is a blatant ripoff. Otherwise I always just figured lesson learned and move on.
Of course is why the 1st thing I always do check is the feedback....anyway.....sorry to be verbose - my legal drugs, morphine and adderall kicked in.
The irony - everyone has zero problems with me sucking down morphone every day for the last 15 years. I tell them I want to wean myself off of it and try taking care of myself with pot for the pain, along with some shrooms for the anti-depressant (tho I am also wanting lsd for the exploration of my consciousness and I just discovered the virtues of mdma for medicinal purposes) and people freak out (wife) and tell me how "horrible" it is, why would I do such a thing etc.
Is amazing how well they have people brainwashed

It is. I am 100% against prescription drugs. I don't believe they help anything and just create more addicts and fiends. Medical Cannabis is less harmful, doesn't cause all the bullshit other things cause and if you can't use it via combustion or vape it,  you can eat it.
Title: Re: an actual question - not just running up post count - Exactly how do you.......?
Post by: tree on May 14, 2013, 09:50 am
Quote from: wl2ong1
It is. I am 100% against prescription drugs. I don't believe they help anything and just create more addicts and fiends. Medical Cannabis is less harmful, doesn't cause all the bullshit other things cause and if you can't use it via combustion or vape it,  you can eat it.
Prescription drugs are also useful, medical weed isn't always the best option, it can have more side-effects for some people, like making them paranoid. What sucks it that it's so much trouble to get a prescription for pain meds, and that not everybody will consider medical weed as an option.

again, thanks for all the info. Is a bummer about buying as a newbie. In a way I understand, but then again, as it is totally anonymous and they have their bitcoins before they send the product..................... I guess it comes down to the "finalizing" feedback ? 
It's always a shame how the some screw it up for the many, imo.
Seems there are some who are never satisfied and have to complain about something. Is amazing what they can be unhappy about sometimes... example - "took me a day longer then expected...horrible experience" - Hey, u are sitting at home receiving your product of choice, if it takes 3-4 days longer - u are still sitting at home receiving product..........oh does seem like there are quite a few that will sell to newbies like me.
I did notice some have a newbie charge tacked on.......more power to them but I will hopefully be satisfied with someone else.
I think the only way you should complain , and that is AFTER talking to the vendor, nicely, and checking in with them is if maybe you get something different then what you ordered, you don't ever get it at all (tho if they have good feedback, could just be the usps got it and not really sure why that is seller's fault - is why I will only buy domestic personally to lessen the risk) or if it is a blatant ripoff. Otherwise I always just figured lesson learned and move on.
Of course is why the 1st thing I always do check is the feedback....anyway.....sorry to be verbose - my legal drugs, morphine and adderall kicked in.
The irony - everyone has zero problems with me sucking down morphone every day for the last 15 years. I tell them I want to wean myself off of it and try taking care of myself with pot for the pain, along with some shrooms for the anti-depressant (tho I am also wanting lsd for the exploration of my consciousness and I just discovered the virtues of mdma for medicinal purposes) and people freak out (wife) and tell me how "horrible" it is, why would I do such a thing etc.
Is amazing how well they have people brainwashed
The sellers don't have your money before you get your product, that's how escrow works. Your funds are just locked and if you don't receive the product you can resolve, then you agree on a % of refund, or the admins decide for you, that's why scamming is more difficult. If you finalize early, or "FE", then the seller has your coins before sending the product and that's how most people get scammed... You can always leave bad feedback but the seller won't care that much.
It's a shame that your family approves of way harder drugs like morphine and adderall but think shrooms and weed are bad... I think shrooms and LSD have the same effects for long-term mood improvement, but I'd recommend Ketamine for a real strong antidepressant effect, the effect only lasts 10 days but it's good if you need to quickly break through.
Title: Re: an actual question - not just running up post count - Exactly how do you.......?
Post by: wl2ong1 on May 14, 2013, 01:33 pm
Quote from: wl2ong1
It is. I am 100% against prescription drugs. I don't believe they help anything and just create more addicts and fiends. Medical Cannabis is less harmful, doesn't cause all the bullshit other things cause and if you can't use it via combustion or vape it,  you can eat it.
Prescription drugs are also useful, medical weed isn't always the best option, it can have more side-effects for some people, like making them paranoid. What sucks it that it's so much trouble to get a prescription for pain meds, and that not everybody will consider medical weed as an option.

It depends on the strain. There are some people that smoke it and get extremely paranoid, you're right, however, given the proper strain, it helps paranoia, it doesn't add to it.

What I meant by prescription drugs not helping was the side effects. Taking something for one purpose, but it can or does cause 5 other issues.
Title: Re: an actual question - not just running up post count - Exactly how do you.......?
Post by: zxydwx3 on May 14, 2013, 02:03 pm
There are millions of people, several in my own family, who wouldn't be alive if it weren't for Rx medications. It's a shame that medical cannabis and other currently scheduled drugs aren't an option to treat some conditions. Some of the people I know who've been on opiate painkillers longterm should at least have the chance to try cannabis or something else to see if it would ease their pain. I don't get how otherwise sensible people buy into the hype about the War on Drugs. Sad, really.
Title: Re: an actual question - not just running up post count - Exactly how do you.......?
Post by: offbeatadam on May 14, 2013, 02:21 pm
I think there is something that does need to be said here.

I noticed that you mentioned a vendor that had some requirements towards purchasing. Chances are, it was FE. Don't FE. Yes, you are new, and so am I. There are vendors that do not require it, no matter your profile or length of time having been here. Just be patient, if the product isn't up, the vendor that does have it may just simply be out. A couple of days can change a lot of things in the inventory.

You especially will have very precious bitcoins that are not easy for you to come by given your location. It would be particularly catastrophic if you FE on your first buy and get screwed. It may seem like a reasonable proposal, you don't have any history and this lacks trust. Unfortunately, while there are some that require this and are reputable vendors that are simply trying to protect themselves due to bad apples on the other side of the transaction, that still doesn't make it safe or justified.

If you FE early, and you don't get the product, you forfeit all ability to mediation.
Title: Re: an actual question - not just running up post count - Exactly how do you.......?
Post by: Trennbar on May 14, 2013, 02:28 pm
Prescription drugs does not always mean painkillers.
Title: Re: an actual question - not just running up post count - Exactly how do you.......?
Post by: wl2ong1 on May 14, 2013, 03:07 pm
offbeatadam along with many, many others will tell you not to FE and they are right. Don't FE. Keep researching, give it time, don't get impatient. Something within your range and/or means will come up that doesn't require FE. Just be patient and wait. As it was said, inventory changes on a constant basis.
Title: Re: an actual question - not just running up post count - Exactly how do you.......?
Post by: bluecashew70 on May 14, 2013, 05:18 pm
I doubt this guy is having any troubles at all.

So this guy is really old right?  I do like how he titled his post, not out right asking for trades, but giving a story then asking for a trade later on.

Oh! and one of the most expensive drugs on the road! Adderal! How convenient! How many old people do you know have ADD or ADHD?  none, because they aren't in school any more.

This screams scam.
Title: Re: an actual question - not just running up post count - Exactly how do you.......?
Post by: tree on May 14, 2013, 08:10 pm
I doubt this guy is having any troubles at all.

So this guy is really old right?  I do like how he titled his post, not out right asking for trades, but giving a story then asking for a trade later on.

Oh! and one of the most expensive drugs on the road! Adderal! How convenient! How many old people do you know have ADD or ADHD?  none, because they aren't in school any more.

This screams scam.
I really don't think the trade was what he wanted. Of all his posts, this one is the only post where he mentioned it, and he got his adderall for another reason that ADD, he seems legit to me.
Title: Re: an actual question - not just running up post count - Exactly how do you.......?
Post by: abitpeckish on May 14, 2013, 09:19 pm
I know plenty of adults with ADD. Most of them are undiagnosed, of course, but adults with ADD on medication are a fast growing demographic.