Silk Road forums
Support => Feature requests => Topic started by: High Carts on May 04, 2013, 01:16 pm
I know it seems very unlikely that anyone will listen to this request, but I feel as a vendor it it very important for me to be able to activity promote my products. I would be really nice to see a feature on the website that allowed me to interact with my fans, I am proposing not that I even have access to my fans usernames (although that would be nice), but that I can send out a group newsletter/message, promoting my products and offering my fans discounts and sales on my privet listings. I feel that by implementing such a feature, you could bring more worth to the fan system, allowing for better communication throughout. :)
I know it seems very unlikely that anyone will listen to this request, but I feel as a vendor it it very important for me to be able to activity promote my products. I would be really nice to see a feature on the website that allowed me to interact with my fans, I am proposing not that I even have access to my fans usernames (although that would be nice), but that I can send out a group newsletter/message, promoting my products and offering my fans discounts and sales on my privet listings. I feel that by implementing such a feature, you could bring more worth to the fan system, allowing for better communication throughout. :)
This is a great idea and one which has been brought up before; however it would require an extra section to be added to the site so as buyers aren't bombarded with messages straight to their inbox from vendors that they have 'fanned'. Some buyers have 30 or more vendors on their fan lists so inboxes would get out of hand fairly quickly.
As a result I don't think it's something we're likely to see in the near future, especially because every addition to the site adds a potential security risk in its code. A good suggestion all the same though!