Silk Road forums

Support => Feature requests => Topic started by: CHROOT on May 01, 2013, 02:36 am

Title: How Silk Road can get its mojo back
Post by: CHROOT on May 01, 2013, 02:36 am
Silk Road was a ground-breaking concept, this can be agreed upon. But how does SR fair in a world where new competitors are popping up every month?

There are dozens of really good ideas in this "Feature requests" sub-forum that are a good start on getting SRs mojo back.

Here are some requests that as a vendor I find very workable and easy to implement.

1. Let users sort by something other than "bestselling, newest" because these don't really help us. Let us sort by quantity (1/8s, ounces, etc), let us sort by price (high to low, low to high). There are thousands of posts in this subforum and lots of them are crying for this to be implemented. This appears to be the number one request right now. Why ignore something so sensible and easy to implement?

2. Reduce the 17-day finalize to 10-days for domestic. Back when BTC went up every day this didn't matter as much as it does in a world were BTC swings 20% INTRADAY. Some even suggest 8 days. Either way, it's worth a serious second look. Lots of lazy buyers fuck up profit margins and turn vendors disgruntled. This is the number one vendor complaint in here.

3. If you really want to chop Atlantis off at the knees, reduce the SR vendor commission, which is almost double the nearest competitors. Clinging to that 10% now may end up costing a lot more in the long run.  Short-term greed has ruined many a fine business. Capitalism 101 almost ensures that the longer you ignore this, the worse it will be to overcome.

4. There are other private networks, are we forever chained to TOR, or can we investigate others like i2p? If it's too expensive or out of your expertise, just ask us for help. Lots of smart people in here who have a vested interest in seeing SR thrive. If you put up a Move to i2p fund, I'd toss in a few btc to get the ball rolling.

I'd love to hear thoughts from anyone else on how we can keep SR strong for years to come.

Title: Re: How Silk Road can get its mojo back
Post by: nanpa2001 on May 01, 2013, 04:07 am
I have been here around 6 months, and read almost every thread.

I have never seen a feature requested by users implemented. Correct me if I am wrong.
Title: Re: How Silk Road can get its mojo back
Post by: CHROOT on May 01, 2013, 04:16 am
I have never seen a feature requested by users implemented. Correct me if I am wrong.

I signed up as vendor #266 and the site functionality is the same as two years ago. But keep in mind, DPR didn't have to innovate back then, he WAS the innovator. Now he's being shoved aside by a new crop of next-generation drug sites that took all the good advice in this sub-forum and implemented it.

It's human nature to rest on laurels, especially in the absence of competition, but the landscape is changing dramatically and I'd like to see SR maintain its edge.

Most of the "requests" are fairly benign, easy to implement changes that are hardly controversial. I hope management doesn't abandon this requests forum and takes some of the suggestions found here to heart.
Title: Re: How Silk Road can get its mojo back
Post by: echo_ on May 01, 2013, 02:32 pm
I have been here around 6 months, and read almost every thread.

I have never seen a feature requested by users implemented. Correct me if I am wrong.
"incognito browsing" was a feature requested and added. Check for it in your Silk Road settings.
Title: Re: How Silk Road can get its mojo back
Post by: nanpa2001 on May 01, 2013, 02:42 pm
I have been here around 6 months, and read almost every thread.

I have never seen a feature requested by users implemented. Correct me if I am wrong.
"incognito browsing" was a feature requested and added. Check for it in your Silk Road settings.

I stand corrected. Is that the exception that proves the rule?
Title: Re: How Silk Road can get its mojo back
Post by: isthereanyneed on May 01, 2013, 10:29 pm
Quick question?

Ive been away for a bit and cant remember names to good but is Atlantis the guy who has the fair trade hash thing going on?

And what did this guy do to scam people ?
Title: Re: How Silk Road can get its mojo back
Post by: nanpa2001 on May 02, 2013, 12:17 am
Quick question?

Ive been away for a bit and cant remember names to good but is Atlantis the guy who has the fair trade hash thing going on?

And what did this guy do to scam people ?

Atlantis is an market alternative to SR.

[CENSORED: scam link]rky4es5q.onion/

I haven't seen any scams there so far.
Title: Re: How Silk Road can get its mojo back
Post by: Libertas on May 03, 2013, 03:56 pm
Silk Road was a ground-breaking concept, this can be agreed upon. But how does SR fair in a world where new competitors are popping up every month?

There are dozens of really good ideas in this "Feature requests" sub-forum that are a good start on getting SRs mojo back.

Here are some requests that as a vendor I find very workable and easy to implement.

1. Let users sort by something other than "bestselling, newest" because these don't really help us. Let us sort by quantity (1/8s, ounces, etc), let us sort by price (high to low, low to high). There are thousands of posts in this subforum and lots of them are crying for this to be implemented. This appears to be the number one request right now. Why ignore something so sensible and easy to implement?

2. Reduce the 17-day finalize to 10-days for domestic. Back when BTC went up every day this didn't matter as much as it does in a world were BTC swings 20% INTRADAY. Some even suggest 8 days. Either way, it's worth a serious second look. Lots of lazy buyers fuck up profit margins and turn vendors disgruntled. This is the number one vendor complaint in here.

3. If you really want to chop Atlantis off at the knees, reduce the SR vendor commission, which is almost double the nearest competitors. Clinging to that 10% now may end up costing a lot more in the long run.  Short-term greed has ruined many a fine business. Capitalism 101 almost ensures that the longer you ignore this, the worse it will be to overcome.

4. There are other private networks, are we forever chained to TOR, or can we investigate others like i2p? If it's too expensive or out of your expertise, just ask us for help. Lots of smart people in here who have a vested interest in seeing SR thrive. If you put up a Move to i2p fund, I'd toss in a few btc to get the ball rolling.

I'd love to hear thoughts from anyone else on how we can keep SR strong for years to come.

1. I agree; that would indeed be a very handy feature to have.

2. There is no need to reduce the auto-finalise timeframe; if vendors wish to protect themselves against the volatility of the Bitcoin market they can hedge their orders for a 4% fee

3. Silk Road is not a capitalist marketplace, it is an agorist marketplace which operates on free-market principles. Atlantis is not a real threat to Silk Road, but even if it were, I do not believe DPR would wish to "chop [it] off at the knees" - DPR believes very strongly in the free market, and attempting to stifle competition would go against his/her ideals. Whilst he/she is not outright endorsing Atlantis, I am sure that he/she appreciates the choice that it will bring to the free market should it prove to be a legitimate place to do business. In a free market the customer decides who will succeed by freely giving their business to whichever entity they wish; -they are not forced to purchase from any entity that monopolises the market by attempting to stifle competitors.

4. I do not know enough about the i2p network and the likes to comment on this with any confidence, but from what I have heard (and I may be completely wrong about this), the i2p network is not as secure as the onion network.
