Yes, it does. Any action that any member takes on the site causes their 'Last Active' time to update. As the administrator's and moderator's 'Last Active' time didn't update during or after the time period that the thread was delete, it means that no other administrator or moderator deleted the thread. Your argument is unsound and invalid. Just saying. I partially agree with the second part of your statement. Whilst approaching anything and everything with the mind of a conspiracy theorist is perhaps a tad over the top, "trusting those in authority too much" is certainly something I would encourage people not to get lackadaisical about. It is completely right for a community to question those in authority if / when they see something that they perceive to be wrong, and is in fact something I believe very strongly in doing. Government oppression is allowed to occur because people do not ask enough questions nor adequately demand answers from their governments. That being said, I formed a hypothesis on what happened based on the facts available to me and asked others to test that hypothesis for the reasons outlined in a previous post in this thread. That hypothesis being independently verified - along with the timestamps that were available - produced proof that no administrator nor moderator deleted any threads. Do you really think that we have that kind of oppressive censor-centric view here?! The missing threads were deleted by their OPs. There is thankfully nothing more to it than that. Libertas