I'm attempting a method of creating discussion around issues that are brought up in threads that are being taken off topic by splitting those posts into their own topics. There is no need to derail multiple threads with the same discussion - this way nobody's freedom of speech is being infringed upon, no threads will need to be considered as 'needing to be locked', and the discussion can continue in both threads without impeding free discussion for all. If this doesn't work out and fails to keep everybody happy by ensuring that all discussion remains free, open and on-topic all at the same time, the threads will be merged back into their original topics (which is why I referenced them in the title). Unfortunately due to the way that the thread split feature works, the first post split is seen by the forum software as the thread starter; it is not "defamatory" as nobody is being defamed. The reason that my post which Razorspyne quoted in his response (the initial post in this thread) was not brought into this thread is because it was replying to a poster stating that "this is not how a democratic society works" in regards to having a closed Vendor Roundtable. Razorspyne's post was completely off topic, and was carrying on his opinions from numerous other threads - having nothing to do with the issue of the Vendor Roundtable being a closed forum. I assure you that if this doesn't work out, the threads will be returned to their original topics. This is simply a way to try and keep everybody happy and ensure freedom of speech whilst also ensuring that discussion can take place on the issues at hand, and discussion can also take place on the off topic issue. Community members are complaining that mods "aren't doing their jobs", but then when we are seen to be doing our jobs people complain about that as well.. Libertas