I will answer this, and then I will not be engaging any further in this thread. Yes, the above post was a little unprofessional, and certainly not up to the standard that I hold myself. However, having that particular member PMing me thinking I was out to get him and him having an all-round breakdown over issues that could have been resolved had he had the maturity to admit that he handled the situation incorrectly, it seemed to be the the most appropriate response at the time. Not that it WAS, of course, but it seemed to be then. The person in question questioned my reasoning, so I linked the thread in question to provide him with the evidence that his own reasoning left a lot to be desired. I have no issue with InfiniteSource; I PM'd him after his previous thread to let him know that he was operating with a massive security issue and all I got was abuse in response, so I thought it should be known that this person's reasoning was less than sound. I would never divulge any PM information on the public forum that I receive in confidence from a member, so I linked him back to his thread to show that his reasoning is ridiculous and that I wouldn't be considering his points as being valid if the reasoning behind them is not solid. No, we don't have any ""official" sr forum rules" apart from the ones governing no sales on the forums, no releasing private information and no mass-spamming. As stated before, this is a free place. We cannot and do not censor people. The rules on most forums are there to censor talk of certain issues and to protect people from liability etc. We don't have those issues here given the type of community this is. We - the moderators - generally agree on what kind of procedure will be used should certain issues arise, but other than the ones mentioned above, there are no major 'policies' in action. Enforcing policies that infringe upon freedom of speech are both unwanted and unnecessary here. Libertas