Much obliged! Regarding my own portion of what you may be donating, it will go toward a little something that the moderators have in the works. Very kind of you though, muskabuzz. 'Fairness' is an entirely subjective concept - whether or not I think something is fair is irrelevant as my definition of fair, just like yours, are always going to be different from everybody else's. Furthermore, as a moderator I feel it would be best to withhold my opinion in this regard lest it influence public opinion one way or the other. As you can see from my response to muskabuzz's post, I will not be personally benefiting from this in any way, shape or form, so I believe that what I have written above can be seen as being completely objective. However, I will state that it IS up to muskabuzz what is done with the bounty in this instance as THEY are the ones that ran the competition. We operate within a free market; that is something that is important to keep in mind about EVERYTHING, both here and on Silk Road itself. Libertas