Hi Wepromisetwenty, Please read the SR Wiki F.A.Q. and the Buyer's Guide if you haven't done so already: F.A.Q. http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/wiki/index.php?title=Frequently_Asked_Questions#My_order_hasn.27t_arrived_or_it.27s_not_what_I_expected. Buyer's Guide dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/wiki/index.php?title=Buyer's_Guide Leaving an order 'til the last day is highly inadvisable for a number of reasons, one of which is in case you have login issues (meaning that your order would auto-finalise and hurt your stats), and another is that the vendor will be expecting the payment at the end of day 17. If you enter resolution and propose an extension on the final day - or the day before that - then the vendor is suddenly forced to wait an extra X amount of days rather than knowing beforehand that there would be a delay in getting paid. Resolution is an incredibly common process, and taking an issue to resolution does not impact negatively on the vendor in any way, shape or form. Regarding the unread messages, it is possible they have seen them by using the 'bulk reply' feature, but not marked them as read (meaning they still look unread to you). In short, you should enter resolution now and request the appropriate option for your situation, either an extension or a % refund. Libertas EDIT: Thanks samesamebutdifferent, I was unaware of that!