There is never a reason to be embarrassed about things you're unaware of! We ALL have to learn about EVERYTHING sometime! Piggybacking on the anonymity issue, administrators / moderators do not 'control' anything here, per se. This is a free community that evolved out of a free market, and discussion on any topic is welcome. We moderate to keep things easy to find and the like, but we do not control. Every user is responsible for his or her own actions here. I live in a relatively small place, a 'village' some would call it, and in a VERY good area. Despite this (or perhaps because of it), within 400 feet of where I'm sitting I can get my hands on literally ANY drug that is offered on Silk Road. Most of them are terrible quality, but they're there. I know all the people that sell them so I know that for a fact. All of those drugs are actually closer to me than alcohol or tobacco, with the nearest store being about 500 feet away! Ironic, eh! Trying drugs is not a problem for young people, regardless of whether they are legal or illegal. It is the misuse and abuse of drugs that is a problem (but if it is a problem for them personally, and it is harming none but themselves, what right has anyone to tell them to stop?) Alcohol, for instance, is one of the most destructive drugs out there. People drink that without any judgement being passed on them - for the most part - all the time. I am trying drugs that I had access to, but that I refused to use because of what might be in them. Now I can get clean ephedrine for working out better than I can naturally, Valium to relax me in the very occasional circumstance that I wish to use it, Viagra to satisfy my other half's ridiculous sex drive and the occasional THC edible that I had never tried before but was seriously missing out on the fun of. This place represents the freedom to do all of that, and more going forward. When you realise that you are experiencing TRUE freedom to do as you wish with YOUR body without anybody restricting you, that is an incredibly powerful eye-opener. Without Silk Road, I'd be a much different person - and that person is somebody that I would never want to be again. Libertas