I'm not entirely sure exactly what was causing the problem but judging by the fact that Bitcoin were entering the tumbler and not leaving it I would imagine that the tumbler or its interface to the wallet system was indeed the problem. This has now been fixed and more problems are unlikely. You can read more about the tumbler in the Buyer's Guide here: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/wiki/index.php?title=Buyer%27s_Guide#Tumbler I would highly recommend visiting the Buyer's Guide and reading through the other topics there too. It is advisable to obfuscate your Bitcoin's 'tracks' as much as possible; the more security-conscious folk here generally run their Bitcoin through an external tumbler as well such as BitcoinFog or blockchain.info's anonymising service. These do charge a very small fee but it is important to note that you are trusting them not to abscond with your Bitcoin. The service at blockchain.info is generally seen as quite reliable and BitcoinFog has been operating for quite some time, but again, you are trusting both with your coins. Simply sending Bitcoin from one wallet to another, to another and so on so forth doesn't really do anything to obfuscate their origin. The SR tumbler employs a much more complex process and the mixing services I mentioned actually give you different coins back than the ones you send into them. In short, unless you're ultra security conscious or spending a relatively large amount then the SR tumbler should suit your needs just fine. Libertas