I'm not arguing with you, friendlyoutlaw, I'm stating the facts of the matter. If you have been a member here for any significant amount of time you will know that the time period for Bitcoin being credited to user accounts varies. "Misinformed" or "retarded nonsense", you are entitled to your prerogative on the matter. Please do consider the fact that Silk Road runs deposits through a tumbler before asserting your opinion that there is an issue with the Road's interface to the blockchain. A significant chunk of the people posting about delays and possible issues stems from them checking their deposits on blockchain.info and thinking - from what they can see there - that their Bitcoin is arriving at their account then being withdrawn. They fail to take the SR tumbler into account when they see this occurring and start to worry. I'm finished conversing with you on the matter; I've explained the situation and the steps that need to be taken to remedy it if the funds do not arrive within 24 hours of sending them. If a significant number of people are still having issues after that 24 hour period, I will report it up the chain. That should satisfy you whilst also giving the system time to do what it does. Libertas