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Messages - Libertas

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This topic has been moved to Rumor mill (http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?board=7.0).


This topic has been moved to Shipping (http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?board=6.0).


Silk Road discussion / MOVED: Brand new vendor - Advice anyone?
« on: May 07, 2013, 11:09 pm »
This topic has been moved to Rumor mill (http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?board=7.0).


Off topic / Re: I found a secret about SR
« on: May 07, 2013, 11:08 pm »
Hmm.. Judging from your previous posts and messages, maybe you should consider not posting while ridiculously high..? ???


Silk Road discussion / MOVED: I found a secret about SR
« on: May 07, 2013, 11:06 pm »
This topic has been moved to Off topic (http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?board=1.0).


Customer support / Re: Help with incorrect order
« on: May 07, 2013, 10:49 pm »
I recently make an order from the vendor MrCronk. As a first time buyer I ordered 1.1g of his Chocolate Thai and 1.1 of his Jamaican Highgrade. A few days later the package arrived and in it were two packs, so I finalised the order. However I couldn't tell which was which so out of curiosity I contacted the vendor to find out. He informed me that he didn't have any of the JH so sent two CT. I was not told this before making the order and I specifically wanted two different samples to compare them. I can't appeal through resolution center as I have finalised. Do any experienced members or mods have any suggestions as how best to proceed? As the error lies with the fault of the seller and not the buyer I have requested that he send an alternative in compensation but I am doubtful he will agree.

Hi m1573rj,

I think you have done all you can in this instance. MrCronk should really have informed you before shipping that he didn't have any Jamaican Highgrade left and asked if it would be alright to send 2 x Chocolate Thai instead, but as he didn't and you have already finalised, nothing more can be done.

I don't think it's too likely that MrCronk will send you an alternative as compensation but perhaps you could suggest that he send you a gift code that can only be used in his store? Perhaps this way there might be a chance to salvage a possible future business relationship.


Off topic / Re: Testicle squash vomit
« on: May 07, 2013, 10:40 pm »
Don't really understand the term "toughen up, grow some balls", balls are sensitive. What about vaginas? Those things cop a pounding..

It should be the other way around. "C'mon mate, grow a vagina, you're acting like you've got a set of balls"

 ;D ;D

Newbie discussion / Re: Fake IDs by Ted Danzig???
« on: May 07, 2013, 10:38 pm »

Does anybody know what happened to the main listing of Ted Danzig's fake IDs??? I've been planning on ordering some for a couple friends and it's been a long process getting all their money and info together and taking a usable picture. I finally was ready to put the order in today, only to find that the listing has been taken down!! I messaged the vendor (TedDanzigSR) but have not heard back from him yet. Just wondering if anyone else noticed this or knows what is going on?? He's supposedly the top fake ID seller on the Silk Road, so maybe some of you will have heard of him... This is kinda stressful.  :-\


TedDanzigSR addresses this at the very start of his profile.. ???

UPDATE (4-23-2013)

Listings should be back up (other than groups). You guys have been ordering them so fast I didn't set the quantity high enough and they "ran out". Thanks :) I also knocked $10 off the previous price.

Still not sure when group listings will be back up.


Silk Road discussion / Re: Recent issues
« on: May 07, 2013, 10:36 pm »
DPR, you are the man! I say this over and over again but myself and my family cannot thank you enough! Just a month and a half ago I had lost my career of over 15 years and financially things were getting bad for me. I had always been in the "game" in my younger years but I am to old to be doing any "street style" sales so actually being able to anonymously sell product to a huge customer base is literally a dream come true :) The subblemented income I make from vending here is helping me and my family live a better life and I owe it ALL to you. The site is running BEAUTIFULLY! I may be a new vendor but I have had a seperate buyer account for over a year and in that whole time I do not think the site has ever run this fast and perfect! Last night a withdrawal did take longer than usual but it arrived fine and I see you have fixed that issue so that's awesome! I honestly do not even mind the slight glitch of being logged off every once in a while if the site keeps operating like this! :)

Thanks again SO much for everything you've done DPR. You are a legend.

I love reading stories like this! :) Glad to hear you're getting back on your feet, pharmacypowder!


We have a Drug Safety section right here on the forums..  ???



Thanks, I wasn't aware of that topic. I don't need to post there however, as a very nice forum member just helped me out. Awesome community :).

Great, glad to hear you got sorted. :)

Newbie discussion / Re: How often do prices adjust?
« on: May 07, 2013, 10:16 pm »
No problem at all! :)

thank you for the speedy response. i guess ill just have to relax and wait for it to come online

You're very welcome. :)

Thread locked as resolved.


Product offers / Re: Who wants some bitcoins?
« on: May 07, 2013, 10:09 pm »
So, I think I'm done with SR for awhile.  My ex girlfriend turned me in and said I've been buying off this site.  I haven't bought anything in a decent little while, but still.  I know I'm being watched, so I'm trying to sell off the rest of my coins.  I've got 11.181 bitcoins available. Anyone wanna buy some off me?

Sales are not permitted without a Silk Road vendor account, and are not permitted on the forums regardless.

All members should note that when they go outside the protection of the Silk Road escrow system, whether by engaging in deals privately with vendors or private individuals (which as mentioned is not permitted here), or by Finalising Early, they give up all the protection that escrow provides. They then have NO protection.

It is akin to giving a stranger on the street $1000 because he's promised to go around the corner and bring you back some gold. Is he likely to reappear? No. It is literally no different to that, with the only exception being that you actually have more of a chance of finding the guy on the street!

Trainwrecked, you've been here long enough to know the rules.


When my constant nagging in DPR's ear to give the mods some admin privileges to delete the scammer/spammer accounts it became a million times easier to erase all their hard work in two clicks of the mouse.

I'm not after the reward by the way, shipping weed INTO Australia would be quite problematic, unfortunately.

I'm still forced to delete their posts one by one so you two breezing on by with your two clicks have it easy! :P I'm fairly sure I've developed arthritis in the past 4 days, and I'm pretty sure that's a record for the quickest developing arthritis ever. 8)

I wouldn't be interested in receiving the reward either though (I'm not a weed user!); perhaps muskabuzz would consider converting the reward into its BTC -equivalent and splitting it up evenly between all of the members that contributed to the anti-spam thread?
Each member that contributed could modify their previous post to include a BTC address and the BTC could be split up evenly between each unique poster.

muskabuzz, if you're up for doing that but would consider it too time-consuming I can organise it in the thread (and PM each user to let them know) and you could state a set amount of Bitcoin that is to be divided up. You could then either send the BTC amount to me and I will distribute it, providing transaction IDs in the main thread as proof of sending, or I could send it from my own Bitcoin holdings and then you can then reimburse me.

Let me know what you think! :)


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