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Messages - Libertas

Pages: 1 ... 121 122 [123] 124 125 ... 145
Newbie discussion / Re: I think there is a spammer
« on: May 08, 2013, 10:45 pm »
Sorry guys, I was away from the computer for a little bit - the spam has been removed.

niceeeee, now you should throw a fellow roader a 50 post count so i can go post my 10/10 review!

Haha, nice try. :P

Silk Road discussion / MOVED: selling pills at raves
« on: May 08, 2013, 10:37 pm »
This topic has been moved to Off topic (http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?board=1.0).


Hey, Mods: You seem to be working hard to move a lot of threads all of a sudden. What's up?

Hi smogmonster13,

Nothing's up at all, we just want to make sure that threads are placed in the proper forum relative to their subject or content. :)

Obviously LE have hacked our moderators' accounts and are trying to suppress the truth about what is happening.

You are aware that moved threads are still open in the forum that they are moved to, right? ???


Newbie discussion / Re: WOW that is annoying hfrsyhu543wy43
« on: May 08, 2013, 10:25 pm »
No problem, sorry I didn't see it a little sooner!


Newbie discussion / Re: WOW that is annoying hfrsyhu543wy43
« on: May 08, 2013, 10:17 pm »
Sorry guys, I was away from the computer for a little bit - the spam has been removed.

Newbie discussion / Re: I think there is a spammer
« on: May 08, 2013, 10:16 pm »
Sorry guys, I was away from the computer for a little bit - the spam has been removed.

With my tin foil hat firmly attached I would allege some people are operating an army of shill accounts they have groomed up to 100 posts and are now negging the fuck out of the mods, Libertas hasn't come to their attention yet and posting this will probably attract myself some more negative karma but so be it.

You know who you are you miscreants :-)

I dunno samesamebutdifferent, maybe I'm just nicer than you guys. :P :P

The best minds on the internet meet here..! :P Kudos for doing it though, and best of luck with the next one! :)


There are many threads regarding how to get Bitcoin in the Security forum, and a number concerning Bitinstant in particular:



Libertas: btc is not out of the question, but we'd rather have a stab at some answers first.  Anonymity and liquidity of the bounty seem to go hand in hand so it's quite likely we could solve your dilemma of non-partaking with the same stroke.

We do wish to take up your kind offer with distribution help, thank you.



Personally speaking, I would prefer that [at least my portion of] the bounty go to other community members, or perhaps towards a giveaway that would drum up more business for you, muskabuzz, for starting the original suggestion thread. Not sure if you need extra business judging by your stellar reputation as a vendor but how and ever! :)

Regarding help with BTC distribution, if you decide to go down that route: just let me know if/when you need me. :)


Haha I will be posting new clues every 12-24 hours!

Libertas feel free to partake! You can get $30 for free =P, although its not much haha.

Since you have time on your hands =P

Haha, it seems we have a clever bunch here on SR - it appears to have been solved already! :P I think if you're doing something like this in future you should perhaps release one or two clues a day - that would maintain interest and get you a better return for your $30 investment in the prize due to increased advertising.

Regarding taking part, I'll leave it to the folks who may be inclined to order from you in the future. It would be better for you if a potential customer wins. :)


WOAH that is super smart~ jealous I didnt think of it first.

I just have too much time on my hands. :P

Great idea, Libertas!

Much obliged! :)

For everyone who wants to give it a go


Good luck

My head hurts already. :'( I won't be participating but the 2nd, 3rd, 8th, 9th and 10th have me stumped!


Giving it a little more thought, if you know the exact time and date that you withdrew then you can check which block that was actively being added to the network at that time. You could then look for the amount you withdrew to see if it shows up at the time of your withdrawal, and if it does, it's been included in the block.

Not entirely sure how you'd go about doing that - I'm sure there's a simple way using but perhaps another member can detail the process.

You can also view unconfirmed transactions on so if you search for the amount in question it will limit the results and you'll be able to see if your transaction is included in those.

As scout has mentioned, leaving an order 'til the last minute to put it into resolution is highly inadvisable.
Best practice is to place the order into resolution if you have not received it after 10 days, and propose a 5 day extension. This will kick in after the original 17 day period for a total of 22 days.

You can read more here:


Regarding removing the auto-finalisation from your record, that is done only in very, very exceptional circumstances. This, unfortunately, does not count as an exceptional circumstance.


This topic has been moved to Security (http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?board=3.0).


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