Yes, i did know that, thank you libertas. No dampening of the mood here
Just wanted legit input before actually becoming a vendor and trying to sell either the service or the unit. Do you happen to have any input or suggestions on the subjec? A mods input would be an honor, and might get more people interested in the idea of the service which is what i'd really like to offer.
Whilst I've only skimmed over the thread, to be completely honest I don't think it's a service that would do too well here due in part to the kind of setup you'd have to have in order to test products. You would have to actually buy the products from a number of different buyer accounts in order to ensure that vendors don't just send top quality product to achieve an excellent result. You'd also have to buy from a number of different buyer accounts so as vendors talking amongst themselves wouldn't figure out which buyer is buying for testing purposes.
Vendors sending product to get tested will ALWAYS send the best product they can get their hands on, even if that's not what they're offering themselves. I mean why risk your competitor getting a much better result by pulling off that trick when you're sending your regular product? "No, no, no, I'm gonna do that before he does it!" would be the name of the game.
It would also be impossible to make the $100,000 back over the course of a year offering such a service even if vendors DID pay for it as there simply aren't that many vendors who will want to send their drugs to get tested. They don't need to as they have already established themselves and their products as being acceptable to their customers.
You can get a good idea of what happens when somebody tests things (in this case cocaine) for vendors with their knowledge in the following thread - 9 times out of 10 the product sent with the vendors knowledge that it will be tested is different from the product sent using a blind purchase:
I would recommend that your friend offload it to a single buyer.