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Messages - Libertas

Pages: 1 ... 86 87 [88] 89 90 ... 145
Customer support / Re: another hacked vendor account
« on: May 16, 2013, 11:45 pm »
So ironically I was not logged out of one of my laptops and the pin hasn't been changed just the pass phrase so I was able to update but can't update pass phrase because I don't know what it was changed to. Thankfully I was able to access it and I'm hoping this laptop doesn't log out. I wrote  vendor support on my account so hopefully I'm able to change my pass phrase without losing access right now.

We've passed it up the chain - hopefully it will get seen to soon, but as scout stated, there is NO way that your account was hacked or broken into unless you were using a very weak password.


Newbie discussion / Re: How Do You Set Up a Vendor Account...?
« on: May 16, 2013, 11:38 pm »

And we are very glad to have to have you, gumislav! This is an amazing community, and incredibly knowledgeable to boot! Do your research in the main forums, and once you get up to 50 posts here you can post over there with any questions you might need an answer to.

Your anarchist and anti-state beliefs will be well nurtured here; welcome home.  :)

Best of luck with the research, and with the vendor account when you get to it!


As the price of BTCs fluctuate do vendors adjust their prices to keep them in line with normal "street" prices or does a rapid increase in BTC to USD rate also increase the USD equivelent price of all items priced in BTC?

Hi 95sc,

Yes, most vendors peg their products to the US Dollar, so the actual price in USD stays the same regardless of Bitcoin volatility, but it's value in Bitcoin will fluctuate.

e.g. An item costs $100.
If 1 BTC = $100, then the item will cost 1 BTC.
If 1 BTC = $200, then the item will cost 0.5 BTC and so on so forth. When vendors price their product in USD then it's value in Bitcoin changes with Bitcoin's value at the time.

Please note that Silk Road uses a '24 hour moving average' Bitcoin value rather than a 'last price' Bitcoin value. This enures that Bitcoin's volatility does not affect the market too much! :)


Newbie discussion / Re: Common mistakes
« on: May 16, 2013, 11:25 pm »
What are some of the more common noobie mistakes that get made here on the forum or the road?  I'm intersted in anythignn whether it be serious stuff that could jeapordize user identity to the small stuff that just breaks with established etiquette.

Common mistakes are basically anything that is the opposite of what is contained in the SR Wiki; check here for the protocols to follow to ensure mistakes can't happen:



Best of luck with your journey on the Road! :)


I've had two successful orders with a vendor.  The third order never arrived.  This vendor requested finalization early (FE) and only ships by first class UPSP so there isn't a tracking number.  I've sent all the order info to SR support for advice on how to seek some resolution, but the vendor's profile seems to imply that sometimes this happens and the buyer should bear the entire loss.
I feel that at minimum both of us should take a 50% loss.  I've had 8 other successful orders with other vendors in the last month.  What is a fair way to settle this issue?

Hi winedrinker,

If you FE'd on the order then there is unfortunately nothing you can do. Escrow is there for your protection, and if you willfully leave escrow by Finalising Early, Silk Road cannot protect you in the event that something goes wrong.

SR Support will be directing you to the F.A.Q. for an answer to your query, and this is where they'll be pointing you:



Never, ever FE. Everybody is responsible for their own actions here, so if you FE and you get burned, there is nobody to complain to.


Customer support / Re: Access to the vendor forum
« on: May 16, 2013, 11:21 pm »
Just wanted to throw in as well that you'll need to meet the following requirements, the greenmachine:


Newbie discussion / Re: Change SR wallet address??
« on: May 16, 2013, 11:16 pm »
I need to change my SR wallet address. I have not made my first deposit, and according to the buyers guide wiki once you make your first deposit an option to generate a new wallet will appear on your account page. Does anyone  know a way around this???

Why do you need to change the address before you've even used it? :-\


I messed up my transaction with bitinstant by not having a fake address prepared when I went to pay with moneygram. The representative on the red phone asked me for an address and I was caught off guard. I didn't want to use my real address, so I said I didn't have one and just needed to pay the bill. She told me she couldn't do the transaction without an address, so I just told her I would have to figure out something else and ended the call. I was unsure how this would affect me trying to do another transaction with bitinstant to the same wallet address. Anyway I just am going to start over with new SR account, and wallet address, and fake name etc. etc.

Ah yes, I read about that one! Always have to be prepared, eh! Better luck next time! :)


Yup, the above sums it up pretty nicely! :) For some reason I thought you already had your prices displayed in dollars! :-[ Tired Libertas - apologies!!

Security / Re: MtGox
« on: May 16, 2013, 10:54 pm »
The whole point of BTC is anonymity. The whole point of Tor is anonymity. Why would it be surprising someone using BTC would be using tor as well?

Plenty of felons, I'm sure, use Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Chrome. So what?

And what alternatives? Mtgox is it. It's what we base all our prices off of. I just want to do some perfectly legal buying and selling. Playing the market, whatever you want to call it. I'm just not going to do that, because if I do, I may as well go down to the office of my ISP and hold a sign over my head saying, "investigate this guy!"

Hey I didn't make the Mt.Gox rules..! ??? It's to prevent 'criminality' I suppose, which is ironic considering how the US government stepped in because by not registering as a money-transmitting service, they were themselves engaging in 'criminality'.

Bitstamp is fully accessible over Tor, so that's one option.


Security / Re: MtGox
« on: May 16, 2013, 10:47 pm »
If you access your Mt.Gox account using Tor they will flag you for verification meaning that you won't be able to withdraw either your money or your Bitcoin until you satisfy their AML / KYC requirements; basically verifying your identity.


Newbie discussion / Re: Change SR wallet address??
« on: May 16, 2013, 10:43 pm »
I need to change my SR wallet address. I have not made my first deposit, and according to the buyers guide wiki once you make your first deposit an option to generate a new wallet will appear on your account page. Does anyone  know a way around this???

Why do you need to change the address before you've even used it? :-\


Thread locked as resolved. :)


Customer support / Re: another hacked vendor account
« on: May 16, 2013, 10:24 pm »
Wait, I see the update on your vendor page; when did this actually happen, and are you in full control of your account at the moment?


Customer support / Re: another hacked vendor account
« on: May 16, 2013, 10:22 pm »
Hello my vendor account marthastewart has been hacked. I wasn't fished in any way. It has to be a problem on SR. I was able to open another account to contact sr staff but no way someone found my passphrase. Way to many people this is happening to right now. I will keep people updated

Hi marthastewarthereforyou,

I will pass this up to the admins now.


Click  'Account' >>> 'Settings' >>> third box down on the left, select button that says 'display prices in Dollars' >>> 'Update Profile'. Then you will be able to set your prices in dollars ;)

Thanks for that, MaidMandy! :) From the description given I thought they already had their prices displayed in Dollars!


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