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Messages - Libertas

Pages: 1 ... 85 86 [87] 88 89 ... 145
Product offers / Re: Australia Local Coke Importer
« on: May 17, 2013, 04:07 am »
Sell My Leftovers is your local Aussie Coke/Ice/MDMA Importer

I will always tell you my source and never cut it.
I will only have bits here and there, so im only after a small circle of trusted buyers who know how to finalize after receiving  :) I will always be in stealth
I will always give an honest review of my products, but they will be very limited, probably only 2 or 3gs max of each.. and il only be in once a week, its not my regular job.

I currently have a small amount of imported <advised to removed - pm me for details > Coke
2g $525 Includes Express Shipping and Fees
1g $283 includes Express Shipping and Fees

PM for details

Hi SellMyLeftovers,

Please PM me with a link to your vendor account and I will unlock this thread.


Silk Road discussion / Re: How to sell vendor account
« on: May 17, 2013, 04:03 am »
I don't believe the sale of accounts to be beneficial to the road, but do as you like. Apparently it's not against the rules, anymore.

This ^^^^^^ !!!

So now lazy LE can buy older trusted Vendor Accounts?

I usually agree with what SR does but this is FUCKED UP and a security issue to buyers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It goes against the unregulated nature of the free market to regulate the sale of accounts, so I presume that is why it is allowed here, and I fully agree with that. From a security point of view it is a bad idea indeed. Some may argue that it could cause harm to people, but so can a drug overdose; both have legitimate uses rather than their intent being to cause harm, so neither are restricted.

Whilst I fully agree with you from a security and anti-scam perspective, I fully agree with DPR from a libertarian perspective; the latter must always take precedent over the former: "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both."


Security / Re: The FE problem
« on: May 17, 2013, 04:02 am »
As long as your reputation is good then FE early really should not be happening but for those that seem to insist on doing so how about pointing out you 'love their service but are looking elsewhere due to the FE issue' when you order (or words to that effect). If everyone did this the problem of vendors demanding it would soon disappear and hopefully some of the scammers.

Just an idea please don't shoot me down I have been up for rather a long time now, I cannot sleep, life is a blur.

Any and all ideas that might go even a small way to solving the issue of buyers FE'ing is always more than welcome, londonpride2! I can't see you getting shot down over this! :) Hope sleep comes soon though - not a good feeling, not being able to get any shuteye. :(


Customer support / Re: The Top Shelf Scammer
« on: May 17, 2013, 03:54 am »
damn. well thanks for the response. he had a ton of good feedback but i guess thats what happens when everyone is forced to 5/5 before shipment. thanks again.

good thing it was only 50 bucks and not 500!

Still though, it was YOUR 50 bucks! :( Please always stay within the safety of the escrow system for future purchases.

Locking as resolved.


Technical support / Re: Did I just screw myself?
« on: May 17, 2013, 03:53 am »
Thanks for the response I will give it some time to see if the BC show up. I access MT Gox on the clearnet with a different browser, but I do have the Tor browser open as well. I thought that would be OK as long as I didn't access MT Gox from Tor (I assumed that they are two different programs that have no link to each other). Thanks again for the help.

Yup, that setup won't cause any problems with Mt.Gox.
Just be sure not to log in to your Gox account with Tor by accident - it's happened in the past to people here!


Newbie discussion / Re: Account disabled..?!
« on: May 17, 2013, 03:51 am »

i am now reading all the tips on the forum - so i dont bother everyone with new kid questions

Just want to add that you should read every page on the Wiki that scout provided you a link to; click on the SR green camel logo in the top left corner of that page and read all the entries!


Just posting these here to keep the entire support issue on one topic:

i created a whole new accountand itsstillnow givingme an option to  change the bit coin address

Hi klaw239,

Have you clicked the "make a deposit" link that shows up where the address usually is? You have to click that, and once you make a successful, confirmed deposit to the address that shows up in the box, you will have the option to 'get a new address' as normal.


klaw239, please read the following sections of the SR Wiki:



That should solve your problem.


EDIT: Thread locked as resolved.

Technical support / Re: Did I just screw myself?
« on: May 17, 2013, 03:30 am »
I was wondering if someone could tell me if I just screwed myself royally. I was transferring BC from MT Gox to my SR address. I tried to get a new address from my SR account page, but it would not load, so I hit the stop button on the browser. I then just decided to send the BC to the old address. Well I waited for a few hours and decided to check my account page and lo and behold the address is different. Will my old address to send BC to SR still receive the coins or am I screwed? Any help would be appreciated.

Hi hondo63,

No, every address that you generate is uniquely linked to your account; however, if your BTC doesn't arrive within 24 hours, contact SR Support and they'll be able to push them through manually for you.

Please also read the following on the SR Wiki:

Let us know here when the BTC comes through please so as we can close off the thread. :)

Also, if you access your Mt.Gox account over Tor your account will be flagged and you will be asked to provide documents to verify your identity - just something to keep in mind!


Newbie discussion / Re: How do I get BitCoins?
« on: May 17, 2013, 03:16 am »
If you are just getting personal quantities, just open a Dwolla account and buy directly from Pipe your coins through Bitcoin Fog (http://fogcore5n3ov3tui.onion/) if you're extra paranoid before dropping it off in SR or a portable Electrum wallet inside a TrueCrypt container. Tracking drugs through the mail is much easier than tracking bitcoins back to their source.

Small correction:

"Tracking drugs through the mail is much easier than tracking bitcoins back to their source" ***once the Bitcoin are tumbled/mixed appropriately.***


More background information on this can be found in the OP's thread in the Customer Support forum here:


Customer support / Re: The Top Shelf Scammer
« on: May 17, 2013, 01:22 am »
I ordered an item from 'The Top Shelf' and Finalized Early because he requested it and he had hundreds of customers that didn't have any problems.

Order never came, and now I can't access his page or the item page. item doesn't exist and is profile just redirects to my inbox.

Can someone check to see what happened to this guy? I messaged admins but they just sent me to the wiki page... not sure how that helps..

his profile was located here...


Hi goliathus81,

The Top Shelf has had his vending privileges revoked for scamming; the reason Support sent you to the Wiki is because Silk Road is not responsible for your order once you leave the safety of the escrow system by Finalising Early. Sorry to hear that you got burned, but that is the risk you are taking when you FE.

Please read the following:



Never, ever FE. Finalising means what it sounds like it means: that the transaction has been concluded and both parties are satisfied. Silk Road cannot protect you when you decide to go around the safety that the escrow system provides.


Newbie discussion / Re: Common mistakes
« on: May 17, 2013, 12:36 am »
:) got it.
Last one and I'll leave you alone, so then how can I figure out why I have a -1 karma when I've only been here at couple of days and interacted with very few people.  I don't know if my online self-esteem can handle it.   :'(

You can't see who has given you karma, nor why, but don't worry about it - seriously. Some people just like handing out karma, both positive and negative, simply for the fun of it. It's not a major thing. Be helpful and interesting around the community and you'll see your positives begin to greatly outweigh your negatives. :)


Newbie discussion / Re: Common mistakes
« on: May 17, 2013, 12:17 am »
Hey, this is the second post of mine that you've answered promptly with solid info.  As a new user can I kick you some good karma or are there prerequisites to that similar to the 50 post minimum?

And thanks...

More than happy to help! :)
The ability to award karma (both positive and negative) becomes available once you reach 100 posts; and that horrible captcha is removed at that time too, so there's a lot to look forward to. :P


I sent him 1 klonopin and his Mommie intercepted it.  His Mommie was then smart enough to track down my PHONE NUMBER and CALL ME.   I do give a version of my real address as my return address but nothing similar....  and I sent his package first class, not express!!!!!! LocoKnight3 has completely exposed me and the ENTIRE SILK ROAD!!!!!!!!!

.... Are you on bath salts? ???

Either way, nobody exposed you - you exposed yourself if the above is true. Outrageous behaviour!


e.g. An item costs $100.
If 1 BTC = $100, then the item will cost 1 BTC.
If 1 BTC = $200, then the item will cost 2 BTC and so on so forth. When vendors price their product in USD then it's value in Bitcoin changes with Bitcoin's value at the time.

Dont you mean if an item was $100 @ 100 dollars per 1 btc, @$200 per btc the same item would be .5btc?

 I know im not quite as on point as you Libertas, but did i catch a mistake?? ;)

A mistake, you say? I see no mistake here. Ahem. Nothing to see here.. Move along, move along... :-[ :-[

Well spotted. :P

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