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Messages - Libertas

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Need someone who can move a few kilos of cocaine from A to B.

International. Trans-Atlantic. Pay negotiable.
Serious inquiries only.

Requests for real life drug services or interaction is not permitted here.

Thread locked.


It's so like you are saying
I'm accessing the link silkroad with a termination of (. TO).
Thanks for clearing my doubts!

Accessing Silk Road via is NOT safe. can log all information you enter (including your passphrase and PIN) and have access to your real IP address.

At the very LEAST you should be using the Tor Browser Bundle.


yes, in case they kept it....

Vendors are not permitted to keep addresses - if they are found to be doing this, they will be suspended immediately.

It is absolutely safe to go into resolution for any order. No vendor will risk losing their account by threatening a buyer - one who tried to do that recently, "liston", was suspended and nothing more came of it. If a vendor threatens you in any way whatsoever report it immediately to one of the mods here and we will see that an investigation takes place and the vendor is dealt with if the need should arise.


Newbie discussion / Re: Wrong Captcha
« on: May 21, 2013, 04:54 pm »
I was just wondering if anyone else if having this problem? Whilst I have been using SR relatively frequently, this is my first post on the forums, as for quite some time I was unable to register a forum account.

However, now that I have successfully (finally) registered an account here, I am still stuggling to reply to posts (and create this one). So I was just wondering if this is a common issue, and if there is anything that can be done to mitigate it? I understand that it may be a caching issue? As the Tor service is quite slow, whilst the captcha has a short time limit. Any other ideas?


Hi Carbonate,

You can usually resolve this issue by going to 'TorBrowser' -> Options -> Options -> Content -> Enable JavaScript (uncheck this box).


I was wondering if I can change my SR user name to this. It would be very awesome of you if I could. I was not thinking to stealth like when I signed up a couple weeks ago. I was really hoping a could and not have to start a new account I already have quite a few purchases and it would take a while to get some btc to start over again.

Hi hopskiptrip,

No, it is not possible to change your username; this is explained in the SR Wiki here:

If you have not yet read the SR Wiki I would advise you to do so - it contains answers to 99% of the questions you might have!


Newbie discussion / Re: The Top Shelf
« on: May 21, 2013, 04:43 pm »
checking back looks like no good news wtf happened

The Top Shelf has had their vending privileges revoked for scamming users. They will not be coming back.

Please read the following:



Never, ever FE. Finalising means what it sounds like it means: that the transaction has been concluded and both parties are satisfied. Silk Road cannot protect you when you decide to go around the safety that the escrow system provides.


Newbie discussion / Re: BTC withdraw not working today?
« on: May 21, 2013, 04:36 pm »
Tried to withdraw a small amount of BTC to a bitcoin wallet and no sign of the BTC's now 6 hours later.  Blockchain isn't showing unconfirmed transaction or anything.  It's like the BTC's are just in limbo.  Messaged SR support and awaiting their reply.  I wonder what's going on?

Please ensure that you copy and paste the BTC address for withdrawals. Do not enter them by hand as BTC addresses are case-sensitive.

There are Support delays at the moment so you mightn't hear back from SR Support for some time; please see DPR's statement on the issue here:


Technical support / Re: Lost password after changing it
« on: May 21, 2013, 03:59 pm »
I cant login after i changed my password.

Where is password recovery option?

Hi NorthState,

Please see the following entry in the SR Wiki:

I forgot my passphrase.

You must create a new account and message support with the last address you deposited bitcoins to, along with any other information that can help us connect you to the account.


The delivery concept is a real non-starter so, in bitcoin we trust.  Let's call it 3.7 of them.

Libertas: how shall we do this?

Thanks very much for everyone's time. We are honored to be here with you.

VERY good of you, muskabuzz!

I'm not 100% sure how the others would like to handle it, I'll check with them though and get back to you here. Whatever I receive out of your most generous donation I'll split evenly amongst the members in your original thread for actually joining in on the discussion and attempting to find a solution to the spam problem. I'll PM them and let them know they can post an address on thread or have it sent directly to their SR username - sending it directly to them over on SR would be the easiest thing to do. I'll organise all of that in any event, so no need to worry there.

I'll start a dialogue with the rest of the team and get back to you as soon as we reach a consensus on the matter. I imagine it would be easiest to just send it to one of us on SR and we'll split it up evenly from there, but I'll let you know. :)

Thanks so much!

No, forum moderators no longer work for free.

This is big!! SR mods deserve steady compensation for their work here, but I just assumed they got jack. You absolutely deserve it for your efforts. Hopefully it's $2000 a week minimum, AB.

That would indeed be a very nice amount to receive every week, Aussie bob! :P We are paid a fair amount for doing something we enjoy, and would probably be doing regardless of whether we were moderators or not. scout put in up to 18 hours a day when it was voluntary work - and continues to do so - which shows real dedication to this community. Either way, I think we're all very happy with the situation as it currently stands. :)


Customer support / Re: Vendor stats?
« on: May 21, 2013, 03:10 pm »
Does anyone know how to access vendor stats other than in the resolution center?  It would be great if there is a way, similar to how buyers can look at their stats.  If there is a way, I haven't figured it out yet.  Not that that means anything too drastic, I do not claim to be a computer whiz;)

Hi mdpro,

I'm not sure on this but will seek clarification from an admin and get back to you on it. :)


Customer support / Re: Old account login fall
« on: May 21, 2013, 09:56 am »
Still no respons from the SR support :-\ How long must i waith?

Please see DPR's thread here on the support delays:


Newbie discussion / Re: How Do You Delete SR Accounts?
« on: May 21, 2013, 09:19 am »

I'll edit as many of my posts containing your dialogue as I can. Please PM me links to them. To close the account go to Profile -> Account Settings -> Actions (left hand side menu) -> Delete this account. Note that the username "gumislav" will not be deleted from any posts that are left behind.


So my buddy told me about these guys that are practically giving away free Bit Coins!! All you gotta do is send your bit coins to this address: [REDACTED]

They will double it and mail you back your BC!

Enjoy! Do it quick while it lasts!

Good job making 0.4 BTC in this outrageously stupid scam. ::)

Thread locked.


I was normal web browsing and search silk road link and to my surprise appeared this page and log in with an account that I never use
What part am I not getting? thanks

Is the link by any chance? If so, you are accessing it through the proxy, a proxy service that funnels traffic from a clearnet browser into Tor. It is NOT safe to do.


These posts are not welcome here, cannabisshopinc.



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