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Messages - Libertas

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Vendors don't arbitrarily report users unless there is a legitimate reason (attempt to scam, unjustified low feedback, etc). And there is a reason why Vendor's Roundtable is for VENDORS ONLY -- it allows us to blacklist detrimental users without them knowing so they can be stopped.

Vendors need to have recourse for these kind of lucrative scams, and the Vendor's Roundtable is the only way to fight against the scammers.

If you are an honest Silk Road customer, then you shouldn't have anything to worry about.

It should also be noted that buyer details are not posted anywhere, only usernames.


Newbie discussion / Re: Help resetting account password
« on: May 24, 2013, 07:11 pm »
Hello — When I created my SR account (MtStHelen) a year ago, I must have created a forum account at the same time. Unfortunately, I can't for the life of me recall what my forum password was and, of course, I used a phony email address so I can't reset it, either. So I created this one... but I had an idea.

Could one of the mods reset my forum password for my MtStHelen account here to a temp pass and email that to me on SR to my MtStHelen account? I CAN log into my SR account, so... figured that might be a way to recover my password for it and keep my usernames in sync.

Or... perhaps some mod could just delete my MtStHelen account on the forums here and then I'll recreate it? It's not been used (as I'm sure you'll see).

Thanks for any help you can provide!


Hi mtsthelen-forums,

It is not possible to reset your forum password, and we do not delete member accounts here as it would serve as a barrier to freedom of speech.


How would you keep vendors out?
You can just create a new account, spam to 50 and shazaaam, you're a regular SR forum account guy/gal.
I think this forum IS the roundtable, as we can review vendors openly.  Vendors can defend themselves, but really it's the weight of many voices that will change opinions of a vendor, no matter how much they plead their innocence in scams, etc.
I understand why you want what you think you want, but I just don't see it being very effective.... I'm always reading stories about how such and such a person has been buying here and is opening a vendor account.  So it's pretty easy to think that many vendors are also buyers.


Newbie discussion / Re: TROUBLE LOGGING IN
« on: May 24, 2013, 06:50 pm »
I messaged Support Last night and havent heard anything back yet..

You may be waiting up to 48 hours for a response from SR Support. This can occasionally be longer - please see DPR's statement on this in the main forum here:


(Please note that the link is different from the regular "http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion" link as we are currently running on the backup URLs)


Thanks Libertas, I had already read that, was just checking for other ways.

I've been using SR for about a year (not the forums though until now) but I've never had to go into resolution. What are the chances of me getting all my money back? He seems to be getting loads of complaints over the last few days so that'll play into my favour if it comes down to it, right?

The administrator will take the account histories of both vendors into consideration. If they are getting a lot of complaint in the last few days then yes, that will most likely work in your favour. I'm afraid I can't tell you what your chances are of getting all your money back though as I have no access to the information that the administrator will be looking at.


Tell the guy who got scammed for 5k to come to me in future if he wants coins and I'll help him out ok if this guy did this boy flip knows but anyway if anyone needs pointing in the rite direction for coins just text me ok but you will not be able to do a deal for 5k straight away you'll have to start off with say £500 instalments first then once trust is ok you can order what you like ok or if you want to make things easier you can send me your money and I'll get you the coins then pass them to you through SR to SR done cheers all

If you wish to do this, phoboss, you will have to set up a Silk Road vendor account.


Customer support / Re: My account won't work?
« on: May 24, 2013, 06:33 pm »
Well they messaged me 8 hours ago asking for the last deposit address and I immediately replied back, however my message is still unread. :(

Your response message is added to the end of the queue, unfortunately, but the Support delay times are being cut right down and everything should be back to normal in a week or so.


I suggest a buyers round table or buyers problem area so EVERYONE can see the problem and solve it ie not only in the vendors round table section where childish vendors can lie and say wtf they want I think the mods should start a problem area or buyers round table asap what say you people

Any member is free to start a thread on such a subject. You don't need our help - nor permission - to do so.


Newbie discussion / Re: shipping delays?
« on: May 24, 2013, 06:19 pm »
is there a way to see the message that was sent to them when you placed the order?  so i can verify I didn't make any typo's in the address?

No, I'm afraid that is not possible. Your address should have been encrypted via PGP in any event.


I don't know. It was always something I did because that was how I was told to use it by a friend. I guess the is out of my scope understanding. Silly me, I guess I need to research more.

Anyhow, so what is the deal with the url since it is different than the onion/ url? Is it a confirmed phishing site? Thanks Scout

As scout stated above, is a clearnet proxy that allows you to view the Tor network. However, they have access to your real IP address and have the potential to log any of your details that you enter by using a keylogger / datalogger.

Use the Tor Browser Bundle, and ONLY visit silkroadvb5piz3r.onion


Newbie discussion / Re: Significance of ".to" in Tor addresses?
« on: May 24, 2013, 05:24 pm »
Hi Everyone,

I am new and I have learned a lot on these discussion boards. What a great community this is.

I am wondering if anyone can shed light on the significance of the ".to" part of a Tor address? Lately, I have been having some trouble getting to the forum. In iceweasel browser (using TAILS), I generally do a search for "silk road forums" and then click on the appropriate link. The address that comes up is "". But lately when I go there, I get the following error message: "
A connection to dkn255hz262ypmii.onion could not be established. Connection refused by destination host." I just discovered that I can still get to the forums if I lop off the ".to" part of the address.

Is the ".to" part of the address critical? Am I somehow unprotected if I access the forum in this way? In layman's terms, can anyone explain the significance of the ".to" extension?

Thank kindly,

You're searching for the URL, and you're using!?! :o Searching for the URL is a surefire way to get your account phished - there is only one Silk Road URL active at the moment and that is silkroadvb5piz3r.onion

Silk Road will never ask you for your PIN except for when you're buying something on your 'Cart' page. If you have ever logged in at a site other than silkroadvb5piz3r.onion then I would highly recommend that you change your passphrase and PIN immediately.

Regarding, by using that you are potentially revealing your login details to the operators of the proxy and should never be used to access either the Silk Road marketplace or the Silk Road forums.


Newbie discussion / Re: Meth vendor InfiniteSource
« on: May 24, 2013, 05:16 pm »
InfiniteSource has had his vending privileges revoked for a number of reasons - he was scamming and threatening buyers, amongst other things. It is highly unlikely that you will be receiving any order that you placed with him.

As you have finalised early there is nothing that Silk Road can do for you. Don't leave the protection of the escrow system - it is there for YOUR protection.

Please see the SR Wiki here:



Ordered from a guy called CashMachine a few days ago who boasted 5 hour dispatches (I should've smelled bullshit right there). Because I was in a hurry I didn't check the forums first which are mostly bad reviews, but almost all the reviews on his vendor page were 5/5 so I thought he would be trustworthy and his prices were too good to be true (another sign I ignored). It's been quite a few days now and he still hasn't sent it. I've sent him some messages which he didn't reply to, but he has updated his page and added more listings. Since I ordered it seems like the guy has gone completely crazy, spouting on about masculinity instead of replying to customers and sending out packages.

I can't cancel the order for a while yet. Other people in the forums have said they wanted to cancel their order but he marked as in transit just before it was possible. One review said it was marked in transit for 6 days but the stamp had yesterday's postage date so CashMachine keeps addresses after SR deletes them (against the rules) and posts them out when he feels like it. Is there any way to cancel earlier than the 4 days rule? I just want to get out of this with my money and reputation intact.

Once it's 'in transit' there's no way to cancel then, right? I'm not sure if he will actually end up sending the order seeing as he is about to get a barrage of bad feedback anyway, he may as well just take the money and run. What are the chances of me getting my money back? I have decent stats and it seems he has a poor reputation on the forum but he's at 99% on SR so it could go either way if it goes to a resolve.

Any advice or thoughts on the situation?

Hi SlimeGuy,

There is no way to cancel an order earlier than 4 days. If it is marked 'in transit' and you do not receive it within 10 days, take it to resolution; please see the SR Wiki here:



Bug reports / Re: BTC price stuck at $122.1506 all day
« on: May 24, 2013, 05:13 pm »
Like the title says, the value of a coin on SR has been pegged at $122.15 for at least the past 10 hours. It has remained well below the Mt. Gox 24-hour weighted average (currently $125.66); in fact, it is more than a dollar below the 24-hour LOW.

Never seen lag like this before. What gives?

Not 100% sure what's going on there, but I'll send it up to DPR and see if he/she can get it rocking again.



DPR had it sorted within 5 minutes! :)

Thread locked as resolved.


Newbie discussion / Re: Trustworthy WU to BTC vendors
« on: May 24, 2013, 05:11 pm »
Please see the SR Wiki here - the Buyer's Guide should be read before you attempt to spend or purchase any Bitcoin on Silk Road:


Please note that, while there are many vendors offering to sell Bitcoins directly from this site, we are not set up to facilitate this and it is very easy to get scammed this way. Until we are set up for it, we recommend you get Bitcoins from a third-party exchange. If you do get scammed we will have no way to help you.


I need help with a bitcoin transaction from a Silk Road vendor.

Unfortunately we do not offer support for these kinds of transactions because we cannot hold your payment in escrow. If there is an issue, you'll have to work it out directly with your vendor.

Silk Road explicitly advises against using Bitcoin exchangers that operate here.


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