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Messages - Libertas

Pages: 1 ... 54 55 [56] 57 58 ... 145
Newbie discussion / Re: ORDER DIDNT ARRIVE...
« on: May 28, 2013, 10:48 am »
hey i placed an order with jeurgen2001 just over a month ago. i have been patient as i know sometimes it can take up to that long. nothing has shown up and im starting to wonder if i got scammed by this vendor. i have tried contacting him numerous times with no response. i had to FE and now i cant use the resolution center either...i have been a good buyer for the last 9 months with no issues at all untill now.
im just wondering what i am suppose to do in this situation?? have i lost my bitcoins??

Sorry to hear you got burned, gumby888, but unfortunately as you FE'd there is nothing that we can do for you. Please read the following entries in the SR Wiki:



The escrow system is there for your protection. Finalising an order - by its very definition - is a statement that you have received it and it is exactly as advertised / you are 100% satisfied with it. Never FE. There is nothing that can be done in the event that something goes wrong once you leave the safety of the escrow system.


Newbie discussion / Re: any coke seller from France?
« on: May 28, 2013, 10:40 am »
ok merci Libertas,
apparament aucun vendeur en France. Sinon pourrais-tu me conseiller pour acheter des BTC en France de manière sécurisée et anonyme? Ca a l'air compliqué. Est-ce que c'est risqué?

Merci d'avance

Malheureusement, je n'ai pas le temps d'aider chaque individu avec le processus d'achat Bitcoin. Cependant, consultez en savoir plus sur Bitcoin lui-même, et de trouver quelqu'un qui peut vous vendre Bitcoin face à face.

Il ya aussi une section relativement importante de langue française sur

Inscrivez-vous là-bas avec un tout autre nom d'utilisateur, ne mentionne rien au sujet de Silk Road, et se renseigner quant aux méthodes que les autres utilisateurs françaises emploient pour obtenir Bitcoin.

Et désolé pour mon français de base, il a été longtemps puisque j'ai tapé autant de celui-ci!!


Newbie discussion / Re: VISA SCAM - Butch1200
« on: May 28, 2013, 10:28 am »
Wtf. This is total bullshit. i only have this account. What an idiot.

I figured as much, DiamondDweller. It's just somebody trying to stir up trouble for some ridiculous reason!


Silk Road discussion / Re: Pre or Post commission pricing?
« on: May 28, 2013, 09:19 am »
Hi all, just a quick question: Do most vendors do pre or post commission pricing? I have elected to go post commission, but fear it may be putting me at a disadvantage against other vendors. Because their is no way to tell before purchasing, my prices will probably not look as good up against others, so i may miss out on sales? Just wondering if i should switch to pre, or what everybody thinks?

Silk Road recommends that you use pre-commission pricing so you can be sure your costs are covered no matter what the commission is.


oooooner, please stop posting your threads in the incorrect forums. There is a description below each forum that describes what should be posted in it.

This is a product offer, therefore it belongs in the Product offers forum.

Thread moved.


Sorry about that, won't happen again.  I'm new to the new boards so I am getting used to the rules.

No worries.


i was wondering why shipping thread so not have pictures of stealth packing, a picture says 1000 words.

 ??? ??? ???

By taking a picture detailing your stealth packaging it is no longer stealth packaging, it is now "what to look out for" packaging. ???

I mean seriously..?! :o

It will not end well if you become a vendor - you shouldn't even be considering it, and I say that with no malice. You're not ready to become a vendor, nor do you have the mindset necessary to be able to act with security at the forefront of your mind in sending your packages.

Given what you've just asked, I can imagine your packages hitting customs with a sticker on it saying "No drugs inside - honest! But please don't open to check! Thanks!". ???

You need to do a lot more reading before even *thinking* about *considering* the *possibility* of sending a package to any member here.


Newbie discussion / Re: any coke seller from France?
« on: May 28, 2013, 07:29 am »
Salut, je sius nouveau sur SR. y'aurait-il un vendeur en France? J'avoue que j'ai fait le tour et je n'en n'ai pas trouvé.


Bonjour blabla72,

Bienvenue sur Silk Road! :)

Vous pouvez consulter les fournisseurs nationaux de votre pays en allant dans "account" -> "settings" (dans le panneau de droite), de changer votre "home country" en France, puis parcourir les listes de cocaïne et cliquez sur la case intitulée "domestic only".

Ne pas oublier de décocher la case lorsque vous avez terminé, sinon vous ne verrez que les listes nationales pour toutes les catégories à l'avenir.


Ok, first let me point out that you are misquoting me.  You say:

   "if you take a special interest in security as you say you do, you would have a current PGP Key up and would not have initially asked a buyer to purchase the item in question whilst sending their address unencrypted."

Please read back to my post.  It clearly reads, with no edits:

   "We don't have a PGP key up right now so if you don't use PGP you can go ahead and place your order without one (though I recommend that you do... c'mon, why take the risk?).  I don't plan on there being a huge   
   rush for am item like this, but don't worry if you need a PGP key to place your order.  If you confirm that you are going to place the order whenever I get a key up, I'll go ahead and take the listing down for you."

That last sentence was intended to mean, confirm that you are going to place the order when I get a key up using a PM in the forums or by a SR PM.  I didn't specify that because I thought it would be understood.  My mistake.

I did not quote you, thus I did not have the opportunity to misquote you, fable. Perhaps I could have phrased it better: "If you take a special interest in security as you say you do, you would have a current PGP Key up and would not have initially stated that it is okay for a potential buyer to purchase the item in question whilst sending their address unencrypted."

I should think that is more agreeable to you.

I would never request someone not use PGP; however, you would be surprised how many people DO NOT encrypt their addresses when placing orders on SR.  When I was an active vendor, nearly 1/4th of our customers never encrypted their address, and some of my real life friends still do not despite my consistent pleas and warnings.  I said people who do NOT use PGP can go ahead and place an order, and those who do don't have to worry about missing their opportunity as long as they notify me before their order is placed.

I am fully aware of how few people make use of PGP when placing orders on Silk Road. I am also fully aware of what you said, and feel I was correct in saying that the use of PGP was essential, especially if you were potentially going to be holding on to an address for months, which in itself would most likely break SR rules and result in you having your vending privileges revoked.

Then, after a little thought... well let me let you give these too scenarios a moment to sink in then tell me which you think would be more secure:
1. Buyer places order with address either encrypted or unencrypted.  I save the address on my computer and wait out the estimated 2-3 months it will take before finally shipping, leaving only my password to safe guard the customers secure information.
2. Buyer places order with no address.  I ask the buyer for his/her secure information and retain it only as long as required to ship the product.

Clearly the second scenario would be "more secure", but that does not address the fact that you would be asking someone to FE on a $2,764.00 order with nothing more than a promise to send something at some undetermined point in the future - something that may never even arrive - and presuming that they can contact you with their details at that point. If it never arrives, you claim you will offer a refund but having finalised the order the buyer would have absolutely zero comeback if you were to simply decide not to refund them. Even worse, you could receive the unit and decide not to send it at all, keeping both the miner and the BTC.

However, my reasoning was based on the assumption that since Silk Road has existed, besides the few outages and the recent DDOS attacks, securely for longer than I have ever imagined it to, it will not be going down within the foreseeable future.

If I receive an address I will save it in case I am wrong, otherwise I will ask for it when necessary.

Nobody knows what the future holds, nor for how long Silk Road will exist. Asking somebody to give you $2764.00 (and that is essentially what you're doing by requesting they FE) based on an assumption is ridiculous. "Past performance is no guarantee of future results", as they say.

In any event, I'm not here to argue with you. I'm here to state that this a bad idea for both buyer and vendor alike, and you will be compromising your identity should this be legitimate and you do end up shipping this miner out presuming you have not already narrowed the search down to well under 100 people by providing the first 7 digits of the 9 digit order number along with the order date.

In light of this you may wish to re-examine the reasoning behind your assertion that you take a special interest in security. This is not secure in the least which is one of the reasons I suspect it to be a scam - no vendor would be foolish enough to give themselves up like this, and if they are that foolish then I need say no more on the matter.


Newbie discussion / Re: best cola
« on: May 28, 2013, 05:04 am »
Locking this as CannaConnection1 has decided to try to open up a new thread here:


Having declined to proffer a response to my previous post in this thread, it is becoming increasingly evident that the suspicions I laid out above are correct. I would strongly advise all members to stay very far away from CannaConnection and CannaConnection1.


Thanks for that, scout.

CannaConnection1 / CannaConnection, I have locked two threads previous to this one and requested that you provide me a link to your vendor account in order for me to re-open them, which you have failed to do. You have since started this new thread, have not engaged the moderating team regarding your locked threads, and have not responded to the postulation put forth in my post here:


Any further attempts to engage potential buyers for "sample" purposes will continue to be locked by one of the moderators until you purchase a vendor account. If you think we'll simply 'overlook' you, you're sorely mistaken.


Actually, disregard that last message.  After thinking about it a bit, just place the order without an address, and I'll ask for your address once I get the machine.  Even though I'm not handling any illegal business here, I'd feel more comfortable not keeping your address saved for months.

This makes it sound even stranger. Again, I would advise all parties to engage in transactions concerning Bitcoin miners elsewhere, for both their safety.


Why does that sound strange to you?  Just want to see your reasoning.  Mine is pretty solid as a Software Engineer and former SR vendor who takes a special interest in security.

It is strange as you are essentially asking someone to pay you $2,764.00 without even getting an address off them for delivery of the item you are planning to sell. Perhaps Silk Road will be gone by the time you actually receive the item in question. Perhaps Tormail will also be down. It is entirely possible that there would be no way for them to reach you.

Furthermore, if you take a special interest in security as you say you do, you would have a current PGP Key up and would not have initially asked a buyer to purchase the item in question whilst sending their address unencrypted.


Newbie discussion / Re: best cola
« on: May 28, 2013, 04:41 am »
Their original post specifically says they're not sending out samples until they have a vendor account bc they don't want to break the rules:

"We will not be sending these 4 freebies or paid samples out until we place our deposit within the next 2-3 weeks. We do not want to circumvent the protections that SR supplies you or break any rules by sending out the freebies. So everyone keep an eye out for these reviews on our cocaine and service! Also, pay attention to the stimulants section of SR so you can see our sample listings start to pop up. "

So I don't see how this is considered underhanded?

They have actively requested that sample reviewers PM them with an address for delivery:


Entirely underhanded.


Actually, disregard that last message.  After thinking about it a bit, just place the order without an address, and I'll ask for your address once I get the machine.  Even though I'm not handling any illegal business here, I'd feel more comfortable not keeping your address saved for months.

This makes it sound even stranger. Again, I would advise all parties to engage in transactions concerning Bitcoin miners elsewhere, for both their safety.


Well Just got home from work, Thanks for the Thorough answer as usual Libertas!! :-)
Glad to know it counts towards the final score still, that is the most important thing.

Still would be nice to still see it under the vendor page feedback listing which shows the feedback for all listings.

I agree, it would be good to have all feedback remain regardless of whether the listing is active or deleted. Perhaps consider starting a thread in the Feature Requests forum and see if others would be interested in lending their voices to it?

Thanks for the suggestion, Ill have to do that!

You're very welcome, Hendrix99. :)


Whilst I can not comment on this vendor's authenticity, I must point out that every ASIC / Bitcoin miner advertised on Silk Road has been a scam. I would strongly advise potential buyers not to purchase this listing, and if it is legitimate, would strongly advise the vendor to advertise it elsewhere due to the fact that LE can link it back to their real identity with a simple check with Butterfly Labs as to the original details supplied for delivery.


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