I just had a look and there is NO bad feedback on any of the guides on offer spanning the last 4 months, meaning that nobody - including the person you say sent you the guide - had reason to complain about it.
Apparently this doesn't mean anything anymore since it has become clear that SR customers are afraid to give bad feedback for anything due to threats of blacklisting.
People claiming P Rex adderall in other threads to be bunk and I asked the same thing to the people complaining and all of them said the same thing - they gave 5/5 for fear of being blacklisted. How many other people might Ron Paul have threatened after they gave him a bad rating? Maybe he just threatens to kill everyone that does until he gets his fives.
Perhaps, but we can only go on the evidence as it currently stands. The guides that ron paul sells are presumably not mailed as a textbook, but delivered in a digital format. It would then stand to reason that threatening to kill everyone that leaves him a bad rating would be a bit ridiculous as all he would have is their Silk Road username or an email address.

As for going on the blacklist, that is simply an informal list that vendors keep amongst themselves. Not every vendor checks it, nor does every vendor that does check it decide not to sell to the member that was blacklisted. At least ONE feedback would reflect low quality if low quality were the case here.