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Messages - Libertas

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Customer support / Re: sent to old wallet
« on: August 12, 2013, 06:15 pm »
Guys i really messed up. I got a new wallet, and sent my coins from local bitcoins over, then all the sudden the SR page refreshed and my wallet changed, apparently it wasn't done loading yet. Is there anything i can do? It was a very large sum of coins and i'm kinda freaking out right now

Your deposit should arrive just fine, if it hasn't already. If it doesn't arrive within 6 hours from the time you sent it, shoot a message to SR Support over on the main site.


Customer support / Re: BTC sent from Coinbase getting sent back
« on: August 12, 2013, 06:14 pm »
For any of you experiencing deposit issues, please see the following section of the SR Wiki:



i messaged customer support an they said they couldlnt do anything about ?

Silk Road can not offer support for Bitcoin exchange purchases and we recommend that you do not buy/sell Bitcoin from/to exchangers operating on Silk Road. Please re-read the Buyer's Guide, and read the FAQ section of the SR Wiki:



If an investigation finds that there is grounds for the vendor's removal, they will be removed.


The feedback on your page was left from an account that was compromised as a result of the user entering their Silk Road login credentials at the Atlantis phishing URL that was included in the feedback. Your account was not 'hacked' and Silk Road's security is entirely up to scratch. If I make a very educated guess as to what has happened it would be that you entered your login details into that very same Atlantis phishing URL, thereby giving your login details to a phisher.


The percent commission charged at this point can be found with the following formula:

6.7 x e^(-p/6) + 4

where p is the price of the listing in Bitcoins.  So, for example, a 10 btc listing has a total commission of 5.27%, or 0.5265 btc.

Could somebody help me out with the calculation of this, I'm not bad in math but..... "e" is the mathematical constant, then you have PEMDAS,

Parentheses first
Exponents (ie Powers and Square Roots, etc.)
Multiplication and Division (left-to-right)
Addition and subtraction

I though I could give up this sort of math when I decided to open an account here. ;D
Or tell me where I'm going wrong with a 0.05BTC listing and I don't know what ^ operator means

6.7 x e^(-p/6) + 4

where e=2.71828182845904523536028747135266249
So it's 6.7 x 2.71828182845904523536028747135266249^(0.05/6) + 4
6.7 x 2.71828182845904523536028747135266249^(0.0083333333333333333333333333333333) + 4
18.212488250675603076913926058058^(0.0083333333333333333333333333333333) + 4

So then you multiply 18.212 x number in brackets and add 4..Tried that and it was wrong.

My best advice would be to pick up a cheap scientific calculator that has the e^ function; really handy for calculating commission.

6.7 x e^(0.05/6)+4 = 10.76%, or ฿0.0054 in commission on a ฿0.05 sale

The % commission figure has been rounded to 2 digits, and the ฿ commission figure has been rounded to 4 digits.


Customer support / Re: Do I cancel?
« on: August 11, 2013, 09:26 pm »
What do you do if you have an international package about to Auto finalize, from a new vendor, who I believe is trying to scam people by means of AutoFinalize and failed promises?

Vendor drags out communication over a week, says he needs my address through privnote cuz he broke his pgp, then says he needs it again cuz he got confused, then he marks 'in transit' before i resend him my address or cancel my order, and never checks my msgs for days.   Whats SR going to do when 20 ppl come forward announcing the new autofinalize scammers? I'm going to ask them to keep funds in escrow until i can verify this vendor sent something. Is SR going to care? I doubt it.

Is there a reason you haven't clicked the 'resolve' button yet..? ??? You need to take the order to resolution; that process is clearly explained in the FAQ section of the Wiki.

Please read the SR Wiki in its entirety:


so exactly what are the current fees? I have seen lots of educated guesses but no definitive answer from a mod or admin. can one of you please confirm?
thank you

Please see DPR's main thread on the current commission rate from July 10th:


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Hi everyone,

There has been quite a bit of discussion about the commission that is charged to vendors on Silk Road and I'd like to do my best to put some misunderstandings to rest.  Many things were changed in a recent update to accommodate displaying and pegging prices to many currencies.  One of those changes was the way the commission is calculated.  This change had virtually no effect on the vast majority of sales on Silk Road that occur in the less than $1000 range.  The commission did rise on larger volume orders.  I've always felt that the 2% or so that was being charged on high priced orders was kind of low and decided to make the minimum commission 4%.  I intended to inform our vendors of this through a message, but for some reason the message did not go through.  I don't know if this was human error, or a technical error of some kind, but despite what some of you might think I am a normal human being and capable of error.  In any case, the warning of the commission change did not make it to the vendors, so when they realized the commission had been raised by about two percentage points on high priced orders without warning, they we're rightfully upset.

However, this soon spiraled out of control with people making unfounded claims that the commission had doubled or tripled across the board, causing further outrage.  I attempted to respond within the thread where this was being discussed, but multiple threads have been started now and the misconception has even spread to other websites.  Hopefully this post will put the matter to rest.

As I've said all along, the commission that is charged is subject to change at any time, but because it is such a hot topic I am more than happy to reveal the commission schedule as it stands at this very moment.  Keep in mind, this is subject to change at any time, and vendors have been equipped to handle changes in the commission without being warned ahead of time.

The percent commission charged at this point can be found with the following formula:

6.7 x e^(-p/6) + 4

where p is the price of the listing in Bitcoins.  So, for example, a 10 btc listing has a total commission of 5.27%, or 0.5265 btc.

To give a little more perspective, at the current exchange rate of $75 per btc, a $1000 item under the former schedule now costs $1007.26.  A $2000 item now costs $2028.07.  And as said before, lower priced items are virtually unchanged.  I think we can all agree that the service being provided by Silk Road to bring together a multitude of buyers and sellers and provide a safe platform for multi-thousand dollar deals is more than worth an extra 28 bucks.

That being said, I take full responsibility for any and all misunderstandings up to this point.  I didn't deliver the forewarning as I had intended and I am sure none of this would have been necessary had my message been delivered.  I'm sorry for wasting everyone's time with all of this and I hope you can forgive me this slip up.

Yours always,
Dread Pirate Roberts

Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (MingW32)



Customer support / Re: Do I cancel?
« on: August 11, 2013, 02:46 pm »
I think no matter what you lost some money from cancelling an order because SR still keeps commission, unirregardlesser of whether or not the transaction goes through. Hedging simply has to do with pegging the dollar amount to the BTC value (ex. You buy an order costing 1 BTC when 1 BTC= $103.37. Your order doesn't arrive and it so happens the BTC value doubled to 206.74 in the meantime so your refund is 0.5 BTC. That's if it's hedged. If not, you just made $103.37. Congratulations.)

OP, is the product something you really want? Is it at a really great price? Contemplate these things. If you decide it's not worth your time anymore, cancel the order. If its something you really want because its a new vendor price or rare item or whatever, give it a few more days. Those days may seem like a long ass time so I suggest 2-3 days, and no sooner...just my thoughts.

Silk Road does not take commission on cancelled orders. Commission is deducted from the final amount when the order is finalized before it is paid out to the vendor, not when the order is placed.


SR doe's keep something as I cancelled an order recently from my buyer account and got back less than I paid.
You keep the hedging fee then if I'm not mistaken if the buyer chooses to utilize it (which most do) ?

The buyer doesn't choose to utilise hedging or not. The vendor sets their listings to hedged or unhedged, so the vendor controls that aspect of a purchase. If a vendor is hedging their listings then buyers do lose the ~4% hedging fee on cancelled orders, just as vendors are charged the ~4% hedging fee when the order is finalized.


Quote from: Silk Road Seller's Guide
You can expect a loss of about 4% of your normal payment when using the escrow hedging feature. This is due to the fact that, both when hedging and unhedging, you will lose the bid-ask spread between the available orders that can be used to fill your hedging order.

The buyer is the beneficiary of hedging when an order is cancelled, therefore the buyer covers the hedging fee. A vendor is the beneficiary of hedging when an order is finalized, therefore the vendor covers the hedging fee. Silk Road gets is not the beneficiary of a hedged order, and as we are not the beneficiary of hedging we do not cover the hedging fee.

It is not kept by Silk Road; it is used to cover the cost of the bid-ask spread between the available orders that can be used to fill your hedging order. That is why it is ~4% [circa. 4%], and not a set figure. As it is charged both when hedging and unhedging, it cannot be calculated into the "expected" amount shown that a vendor is set to receive when the order is finalized (unhedged).


Customer support / Re: Do I cancel?
« on: August 11, 2013, 01:53 pm »
I think no matter what you lost some money from cancelling an order because SR still keeps commission, unirregardlesser of whether or not the transaction goes through. Hedging simply has to do with pegging the dollar amount to the BTC value (ex. You buy an order costing 1 BTC when 1 BTC= $103.37. Your order doesn't arrive and it so happens the BTC value doubled to 206.74 in the meantime so your refund is 0.5 BTC. That's if it's hedged. If not, you just made $103.37. Congratulations.)

OP, is the product something you really want? Is it at a really great price? Contemplate these things. If you decide it's not worth your time anymore, cancel the order. If its something you really want because its a new vendor price or rare item or whatever, give it a few more days. Those days may seem like a long ass time so I suggest 2-3 days, and no sooner...just my thoughts.

Silk Road does not take commission on cancelled orders. Commission is deducted from the final amount when the order is finalized before it is paid out to the vendor, not when the order is placed.


I created this forum account to report that I am having the exact same issue. I could not even log in to my recovery account a second time. I have updated the TOR Browser, with the instructions suggested by Libertas, to no success.

Edit: Also, if and when I am able to contact support, should I use PGP to encrypt my data and/or message?

You should definitely be able to log in to a new account that you created.

Please note that the only active Silk Road address is [silkroadvb5piz3r.onion]; if you entered your Silk Road login credentials at any other URL or any other site it is likely that your account has been compromised. You should ensure that you always use a unique username and complex password that you do not use anywhere else, have not used before, and do not use it on any other marketplace.

No, don't use PGP to encrypt your message to SR Support. PGP is only necessary for sensitive information.


For anybody having these issues, please ensure that you install Tor to a new, fresh folder (i.e. not over the previous install). Backup your bookmarks if you have any, shut down Tor, delete the 'Tor Browser' folder entirely and then run the new Tor installer.


Customer support / Re: Incorrect Pin; 1 attempt Left
« on: August 09, 2013, 05:27 am »
Just thought I would report in that my auto withdrawal is still my BTC address and no sub accounts were created. Maybe I just had a brain fart, who knows...oh well....72 hours and pin will be reset.

Thanks again

Okay, glad to hear it. Feel free to message Vendor Support if you require any assistance.


Customer support / Re: Incorrect Pin; 1 attempt Left
« on: August 09, 2013, 05:04 am »
So I am 99% sure I am entering the correct pin however I keep getting an error. I am on incorrect pin 1 attempt left.

I have access to my PGP private key and can fully prove the account is mine.

A forum search on a similar topic said to lock the pin by entering the incorrect one 5 times (ie one more time for me), wait 3 days, then change the pin.

Is this still the route I should take?

Yeah, locking the PIN is the route to take. You should definitely change your password too though to ensure that your account remains secure, and just on the off-chance you've been phished, check for any sub-accounts that you haven't created yourself.

As an aside, do you have auto-withdraw enabled? Check that your auto-withdrawal addresses are the same as what you set them as. If they're not, or if there is a sub-account that you haven't created then you've fallen victim to phishing. If that's the case, message Vendor Support immediately.


Security / "Federal Judge Rules Bitcoin Is Real Money"
« on: August 08, 2013, 08:10 am »
Thought this clearnet article might stimulate some debate on the future of Bitcoin as a recognized medium of exchange:

Federal Judge Rules Bitcoin Is Real Money

Trendon Shavers is accused of being the Bernie Madoff of Bitcoin. The SEC is going after him for allegedly running a Bitcoin Ponzi scheme from 2011 to 2012. Through his Texas-based “Bitcoin Savings & Trust,” he, under the name “pirateat40,” took in 700,000 Bitcoin — worth $4.5 million at the time — from investors to whom he promised an up to 7% return. In fact, he was paying out Bitcoin from later investors to the earlier investors, taking a hefty cut for himself, and the scheme all eventually fell apart.

Shavers “misappropriated” over 150,000 Bitcoin, according to the SEC, but made poor Bitcoin-for-dollar day trades and wound up only making about $150,000 off of them. He used that money for “rent, car-related expenses, utilities, retail purchases, casinos, and meals,” according to the SEC. His 66 investors from across the country lost a total of 263,104 Bitcoin, worth almost $3 million at the time Bitcoin Savings & Trust (BTCST) went belly up, and worth $26 million today. Protip: Don’t invest your money with a self-termed “pirate.”

In defending himself against the SEC suit, Shavers argued that Bitcoin isn’t actually money and that the SEC shouldn’t be able to prosecute him. “Shavers argues that the BTCST investments are not securities because Bitcoin is not money, and is not part of anything regulated by the United States,” writes Magistrate Judge Amos Mazzant of the Eastern District of Texas. “Shavers also contends that his transactions were all Bitcoin transactions and that no money ever exchanged hands.”

So Shavers essentially tried to say that Bitcoin is a bauble and that he was taking in digital points and giving out digital points that had no real world value. The prosecutors at the SEC disagree, arguing that Bitcoins “are both investment contracts and notes, and, thus, are securities.” (That bodes well for the Winklevoss twins who are currently trying to get the SEC to approve their Bitcoin exchange traded fund so that institutional investors can get their hands in the digital currency.)

Like Tinkerbell the blue fairy turning Pinocchio into a real boy, the judge sided with the SEC, giving Bitcoin his stamp of approval as real world money.

“It is clear that Bitcoin can be used as money,” writes Judge Mazzant in a ruling on Tuesday. “It can be used to purchase goods or services, and as Shavers stated, used to pay for individual living expenses.”


“The only limitation of Bitcoin is that it is limited to those places that accept it as currency. However, it can also be exchanged for conventional currencies, such as the U.S. dollar, Euro, Yen, and Yuan,” writes Mazzant. “Therefore, Bitcoin is a currency or form of money, and investors wishing to invest in BTCST provided an investment of money.”

Bad news for Shavers, but good news for Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss and their proposed Bitcoin ETF — which will hopefully be better run than Bitcoin Savings & Trust.

Interesting times ahead!



The term “security” is defined as “any note, stock, treasury stock, security future, security-based swap, bond...[or] investment contract...” 15 U.S.C. § 77b. An investment contract is any contract, transaction, or scheme involving (1) an investment of money, (2) in a common enterprise, (3) with the expectation that profits will be derived from the efforts of the promoter or a third party.
SEC v. W.J. Howey & Co., 328 U.S. 293, 298-99 (1946); Long v. Shultz Cattle Co, 881 F.2d 129, 132 (1989).

First, the Court must determine whether the BTCST investments constitute an investment of money. It is clear that Bitcoin can be used as money. It can be used to purchase goods or services, and as Shavers stated, used to pay for individual living expenses. The only limitation of Bitcoin is that it is limited to those places that accept it as currency. However, it can also be exchanged for conventional currencies, such as the U.S. dollar, Euro, Yen, and Yuan. Therefore, Bitcoin is a currency or form of money, and investors wishing to invest in BTCST provided an investment of money.


Silk Road discussion / Re: are you allowed to deal on the forums?
« on: August 08, 2013, 07:42 am »
Not saying that I'd do it, just that I've seen it done and I have actually made a purchase from a vendor (that I had done business with before) through the forums. This was several months back (a year?) but during the outage I saw the forums filled with mostly high rated vendors offering their products during the blackout. Not sure, but i think these were unplanned or very long.       

But what you said about vending outside of SR - anywhere you can point me to that? I know you can't do SR transactions outside of SR, but what's stopping me (Vendor Rule Wise) from using a BTC merchant API to make a .onion webstore? Wouldn't that also mean I could lose my account for having a BMR account?



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