1.) Is it frowned upon to list a link in my vendor profile to a .onion site I've created for the usage of my "Preferred Buyers"? My Preferred Buyers are those who finalize early out of the kindness of their heart - as a thank you, I'll be sending free goodies here and there! The idea is to create a secure login, and inside the Preferred Buyers area, the Preferred Buyers will have access to a simple voting system, and perhaps a simple forum for them to be able to cast votes as to what kind of product they might be interested in receiving free of charge in the future for being such trusting people that they'd finalize early every time they order from me. I am against FE, but I am a very honest person and would NEVER rip anyone off, so that's why I'm adding incentive to do so. It's easier to keep stock in when people FE, but I would never ask for it unless they have awful stats, refund rates, etc. I do accept new buyers on the road with no FE. Thinking about it, it's a bit ridiculous to do so considering someone with awful starts could simply create a clean account. Lol - oh well. Maybe some won't think to do so.
2.) I'd also like to create a simple site at the same URL providing access for all SR members from my vendor profile for an easier to navigate profile, and to list more photographs. Is this okay? I've seen one or two profiles like this, but was unsure if they are breaking rules.
Please refer to DPR's post below:
1 Is a vendor allowed to link their Atlantis/Black Market Reloaded-accounts in their Silk Road Profiles?
2 Is a vendor allowed to link their Atlantis/Black Market Reloaded-accounts in their Silk Road Forum Profiles?
3 Is a vendor allowed to link their Atlantis/Black Market Reloaded-accounts in a Silk Road Forum Post?
4 Are other users in the Silk Road Forums allowed to link to vendors on Atlantis/Black Market Reloaded?
5 If a vendor is allowed to link their Atlantis/Black Market Reloaded-accounts at any place here on Silk Road, is the same true for a personal web site created by the vendor itself?
6 Is a vendor more likely to be allowed to link to a different e-commerce site if the products sold there are entirely different from Silk Road?
7 Is a vendor more likely to be allowed to link to a personal web site of any kind if the products there are legal (but still sold illegally) ?
8 Are there any Official Policies or Agreements in place with sites like Atlantis and Black Market Reloaded on this subject?
It would be nice if any additional information which I didn't cover in the questions could be included as well if it helps the understanding of this matter.
I numbered your questions to make them easier to respond to:
1 No
2 No policy, so yes for now
3 No policy, so yes for now
4 Yes
5 the answers are the same for personal websites as they are for other markets
6 & 7 These don't affect the answers above
8 No
I'll add that instructing customers who contact you on SR to buy elsewhere is also prohibited. The forums are about discussion and openness, so so far I've done everything I can to limit censorship here and honestly I don't want to bother policing it.
Silk Road hosts a vendor's storefront and for that service we take a small cut of each trade. To use your storefront here to collect customers and take them elsewhere isn't just breaking your contract, it's shady and underhanded. I do take offense when people use the infrastructure I've created and maintain and made open to just about everyone and use it to direct people elsewhere. So, I'm not going to try to stop you from linking elsewhere on the forum, but it's not respectful in the least, and I think it should be frowned upon by others as well.
3.) When I list me freebie to Preferred Customers, I was planning on creating listings for like one cent. I know this generates next to no revenue for SR... is this frowned upon? I'd assume that it would be okay since I'm actually losing money on these listings, but if this is frowned upon, is there a donation address for the lost fees on the future Preferred Buyers listings? I love you guys for everything you do, and don't want anyone missing out on fees/commissions [unless listings for free products are exempt from the fees/commissions]!
Please let me know guys!
Thanks for all you do!
Love, Love, Love!
Yes, you can post listings for one cent. As long as the order goes through the Silk Road order system and you are not directing buyers to send you extra payment directly to your account nor directing them to send you payment outside of Silk Road, you will be acting within the rules. Please also note that the shipping options cannot be used to price your listings - they must be used for their intended purpose only, as stated in the Seller's Guide.
It's great that you're giving back to your customers in this way, and there is no need send donations etc. to us for "lost fees". Again, as long as the order goes through the Silk Road order system and does not break any of the rules set out in the Seller's Guide, that's all we're concerned about.