I have to say that in my experience I find this to be true. I find that poorer people tend to be more accepting of others, and generally more charitable and nice as well. It is kind of funny how the people with the least to give generally give the most of what they have. I find that in general, the less money a person has the more likely I am to like them. This doesn't mean I don't like people with a lot of money, and even a lot of my friends over the years have come from pretty rich families etc. But I tend to feel more comfortable around poorer people, because they are less likely to like the police, less likely to be stuck up assholes, etc. There are plenty of golden rich people, but in general I agree with the statement that the less gold a person has the more likely they are to be a golden person. As far as women go, I find them kind of depressing in general. Many of them are hard wired to find assholes attractive, since being extremely dominant is a sign of strength and women are for evolutionary reasons attracted to that. People dislike the pick up artist culture and think it objectifies women, but my experience indicates that they actually do have a pretty good grasp on female psychology. I suppose men are not any better though, since they are almost exclusively attracted to superficial physical appearance. So in the end men and women are both shallow and primitive animals. I think they are not really compatible with each other for the most part. Their desires are at odds with each other and it becomes gender war. Men want many sexual partners and women want many fewer. It makes sense evolutionarily, as men can impregnate thousands of women in a year but a woman can only become pregnant such that she gives birth once a year. That will lead to women being more picky and hesitant to engage in sex, since they have much more invested into it. Since women are also hard wired to desire their genes to propagate as much as possible, it makes sense they are attracted primarily to dominant men. The more dominant a male is the more likely he can obtain sex, the more likely it is for a male to obtain sex the more likely it is that he will have many offspring, the more likely it is that his off spring will be dominant and obtain sex. Therefore if a female has sex with a dominant male her children will be more likely to be dominant and more likely to obtain sex, and her genes will be more likely to spread. It actually does put men at kind of an advantage, since it is possible to fake a dominant personality but harder for a woman to fake being physically attractive.