Also I would like to point out that none of us live in a free society, although some are more free than others in various regards. The fact that drugs need to be approved by the FDA means that we are not free. If somebody wants to release a drug that has not been approved, it is in their right to do so, because they should be free, and being free means that they have the ability to not be forced to not do things that they want to do. They want to release a drug that has not been approved by the FDA, being prevented from doing this is a violation of their freedom. They are not violating the freedom of anybody by releasing such a drug, because they do not make anybody take the drug. The fact that we are not free to use drugs means that our freedom has been violated. If somebody wants to use a drug, it is their right to do so, because they should be free, and being free means that they have the ability to not be forced to not do things that they want to do. They want to use a drug, being prevented from using the drug is a violation of their freedom. They are not violating the freedom of anybody by using a drug. The fact that we are taxed means we are not free, for the same reasons as above. The fact that certain information is forbidden means that we are not free, for the same reasons as above. The fact that different countries have variance in their age of consent laws is a clear indication that not all countries are free, because either some countries have legalized child abuse (meaning the children are not free in those countries), or some countries have decided to enslave people who do not abuse children (meaning the people they enslave are not free). In fact, we are very far from free. We are so far from free that we cannot be considered as anything other than slaves. And it is about time that we have a slave revolt, and kill those who have enslaved us, and take control of the world ourselves, and make sure that we globally protect the freedom of all people. This is why I highly suggest totalibertarianism, because under totalibertarianism freedom is totally protected with an iron fist, and anybody who goes against freedom is considered a dissident and crushed like a bug. If you support freedom, please feel free to call yourself a totalibertarian and to help overthrow the slave masters of the world.