Really it comes down to this: Either the UK, USA and Australia are not as free as Germany when it comes to age of consent, or Germany is a nation of child abusers who have voted to legalize the sexual exploitation of minors. And not only Germany, but also Estonia, Japan, and many other countries. I am entirely in favor of freedom, I think people must have the maximum amount of freedom reasonable, and anybody who restricts the freedom of others is enslaving them. I hate people who enslave others, and I hate nations that enslave their citizens. I do not think that Germany, Estonia, or Japan are nations that are dominated by child abusers who want to legalize the rape and molestation of children, and thus I am left to conclude that the people in UK, USA, and Australia are being enslaved by their governments due to the age of consent being higher than it is in Germany. My desire is for the world to be as free as possible, this is not compatible with sending people to prison and labeling them sex offenders and ruining their lives for actions that are legal in Japan. So do you think that you are a slave or do you think that Germany is a nation ruled by child abusers?