I don't quite understand your question. You know >14 means greater than 14 right? The alligator head eats the bigger number. If you meant less than 14, well I don't really justify that I think 14 is a fine age of consent. Maybe in some cases younger than that is fine though. So I will assume you mean "I would like to know the exact thought process you use when engaging in sex with someone 14 years old", I suppose. Well for one, I don't engage in sex with minors, so I have no thought process during such a time that I could clarify for you. Don't you also have it hammered in your head repeatedly that using drugs is wrong? Does that make it wrong then? Also, it highly depends on the country you live in. In some places it isn't really taboo to have sex with teenagers. In other places it is taboo but not criminalized. Then we have places like the USA, where it is not only extremely taboo, but also extremely criminalized. Even the UK and Australia are not as bad as the USA. In the USA in many places the age of consent is over 16. Areas of the USA have some of the highest ages of consent in the entire world. I really think it is fine if people have sex with young teenagers. It has been seen as fine for almost all of human history, across almost the entire world. The age of consent was only raised to 16 about 150 years ago. Then it was again raised to 18 in several places. In the USA anyway, in most of Western Europe it isn't above 16 and in some parts it is as low as 13. It isn't like anybody wants to force 12 or 13 or 14 year olds to have sex with people. In reality, even if it was legal to have sex with 14 year olds, not a whole lot would likely change. Some 14 year olds might have sex with older people, but they probably would have anyway. Some adults might try to have sex with 14 year olds, but in most cases they wont be able to. The biggest difference is that the police will need to stop doing undercover sting operations to bust people trying to have sex with 14 year olds. They can instead spend those resources busting people trying to have sex with 11 year olds I suppose. I don't see why people have such a negative idea of sex and teenagers. Maybe it is because Christians are terrified of people having sex outside of marriage, and they think that by increasing the age of consent they can increase the probability of people remaining virgins until they are married. Maybe it is just a social disease that was started in the 1880's and has spread out of control since then, reducing otherwise somewhat rational people into rabid beasts. Obviously religious groups have had a big say in the age of consent. But really what is wrong with someone having sex with a 14 or 15 year old? I mean, someone having sex with a baby is clearly wrong, the baby doesn't even know how to talk let alone consent. Someone having sex with anyone who has not reached puberty seems wrong because pretty much inherently someone who has not reached the age of puberty has no desire for sex, and any consent they give would be superficial and clearly the result of being manipulated by an older person, or simple innocent experimentation that should not be exploited. But past puberty the reason why it would be immoral to have sex with someone is much less clear. Because they have not developed enough emotionally is something I commonly hear, or because they are at a huge power imbalance with adults. Sure, for people who reached early puberty only I can see this, but these things become less and less true rapidly after the onset of puberty. I think a 13 year old is much more likely able to consent than a 12 year old, and a 14 year old much more likely to be able to consent than a 13 year old. I think 14 is a good age for this reason, although maybe in some specific cases even younger would be fine as well. I just don't see what the big deal is. Save your outrage for people raping kids or something, if you get all upset about someone having sex with a 14 or 15 year old you just same delusional to me. Especially the people who freak out about someone having sex with a 16 year old in one state but not another. Fuck a 16 year old in one state and you are the most horrible sexual predator and need to be locked up forever, in another state it is fine and you are just normal. The people who are hell bent on others not having sex with 14 year olds, or 16 year olds, etc, they would be happy to keep raising the age of consent. They think that a 20 year old is hardly mature enough to handle sex, and if they thought they could get away with it they would raise the age of consent to 21 like it is in Madagascar. They would probably try to raise it past 21 if they thought they could get away with it! I think their ultimate goal is to ensure that no sex happens outside of marriage, if they can make it illegal to have sex prior to the age of marriage they will be very happy. There is nothing to figure out. If we want to have a free society we need to make it so that truly only people who hurt others are punished. Having sex with a willing 13 or 14 year old, rare as they may be, is not going to cause serious damage to them or in most cases probably any damage to them. There is a massive difference between a 14 year old and an 8 year old but people pretend that they are the same thing. You want to see how society will be when it is legal to have sex with 14 year olds you don't need to look past much of Europe. Germany, Italy, etc. There is no legitimate reason for it to be taboo to have sex with young teenagers. It is just taboo because it is taboo. If you want to protect children from sexual predators how about take the legions of police posing as 14 year old girls on the internet and have them start posing as 8 year olds. Seems like better spent resources to me.