Do you think that we should allow the thieves to continue robbing? If the majority desires so? Should we allow the slave traders to continue to enslave people for their profits? If the majority so desires? People who do not conform to Totalibertarianism OUGHT to be dominated. Almost nobody even wants the level of freedom offered by totalibertarianism, so it is not like people can say we do not support freedom! In their minds our problem is that we support too much freedom! Under our rule not enough people are enslaved! We offer far more freedom than the masses desire, anyone who does not conform to our policies must be dominated for the good of human kind. We cannot allow for a democracy to dictate the laws, democracy is a failed experiment. The only way for a better society is for the entire world to be dominated by a benevolent force. Totalibertarianism is Orwellian in a way. We will use the most advanced technologies and techniques in order to detect all dissent, which will be squashed like a bug. This means that robbers and slave traders and rapists and murders and violent criminals will not be safe, they will be immediately detected and imprisoned. We will have very little restriction on our enforcement agencies, and for once in the history of mankind it will be true when they say if you have done nothing wrong you have nothing to worry about. We will wipe active dissidents (thieves, robbers, rapists, etc) off the face of the earth with an unprecedented ruthlessness.