Kids do not need to fear Totalibertarianism! Indeed, our policies will be beneficial for them! The only people who are against Totalibertarianism are brainwashed, or they are evil people such as thieves. Indeed, no other political philosophy is as peaceful as ours, or as tolerant as ours. Nobody has a legitimate reason to fear us or to not support us, our desire is to abolish all laws other than the most fundamental laws that no reasonable person could possibly disagree with. We will strictly ban murder, rape, and stealing, as well as other similar crimes. However, we are perfectly tolerant of the drug dealers, of the CP viewers, the drug users, the men who wish to have sex with young people who are at least old enough to consent, of the racists who wish to discriminate in hiring practices, of the minority races who do not wish to be enslaved, of the people who produce and want to keep what they produce, of the people who do not want to pay extortion money to the government, the prostitutes and the johns, the religious people who do not wish to force their religious belief on others as well as the non-religious people who do not wish for beliefs to be forced onto them, of the business owners who wish to run their stores how they see fit, the product inventors who wish for their products to be regulated as they see fit, the people who wish to use only certified products, the gays who wish to marry, the people of the world! The list goes on and on, indeed the peace and tolerance of Totalibertarianism is nearly infinite in scope! So you do not need to fear us if you are a good person, and no children need to run from us. Rather you should run to us and join us in our global struggle to dominate the world and enforce the principles of Totalibertarianism, which indeed are indistinguishable from the principles of Tolerance and Peace.