Maybe things will get worse before they get better but the general trend over time is freedom. Two hundred years ago black people could be enslaved. Two hundred years from now people will wonder why it was ever a crime to look at any picture. Maybe before that happens there will be a holocaust of pedophiles, but today it is not a crime to be Jewish in Germany. The new paradigm will be anarchy instead of statism and libertarianism instead of slavery to the collective. I can already see that we are moving in this direction in many ways, and who knows how long it will take but I am confident that in some hundred of years people will not be persecuted because of their desires but rather because of their actions. And as I said there are already a number of factors in play that will lead to CP being decriminalized. Teenagers are huge producers of CP at 25% of teenagers in the US having taken sexual pictures of themselves and sent them over the internet. People are not going to tolerate teenagers being turned into sex offenders for being normal humans, and already in many states even of the USA they are discussing decriminalization of jailbait porn for teenagers. It is a small step from there to decriminalization of jailbait porn in general, and indeed some countries have already legalized possession of pornography featuring young teenagers even when other forms of child porn are still illegal to possess. Additionally, although the people as a whole are hysterical about CP possession, the people in positions of power such as federal judges are much more enlightened, and they are calling for reduced sentencing for CP possession and trying to make changes to the law. Additionally as more research is done people will see more and more that the people who view CP are largely not a risk to society, and indeed even that allowing pedophiles to view CP reduces their risk of offending with actual children. Once people are educated on the matter they will become more and more hesitant to sacrifice the lives of children in order to hurt those they find to be disgusting. A logical person who is against child molestation would be in favor of decriminalizing the possession of child pornography if they knew the facts, and the facts are going to keep coming even as some in the government (police, prisons, etc) continue trying to spread misinformation and to suppress the truth. When the Supreme Court said that child pornography must be illegal and not protected as free speech, the world was a very different place. Back then almost everybody who got child porn was directly funding the molestation of children, almost everybody who produced child porn was sexually abusing children. Today almost nobody involved with child porn has contributed to the molestation of children and the biggest producers of child porn are teenagers with camera phones. The original argument that the supreme court made for criminalization of child porn is irrelevant in the modern world.