It is not so simple, dumbass. But anyway I can already easily prove that supply and demand is not what has you so bothered. Are you okay with CP being downloaded via Private Information Retrieval? What if there is a system where nobody can tell the demand for certain content, yet anybody can download and view the content? There is no more demand that can be recognized, so that means that it is fine, since your problem is with supply and demand, right? This argument is already solved. If we are so concerned about the unproven supply and demand of CP theory, we should build a PIR based system for pedophiles to be able to download CP from. Nobody can tell the demand anymore, it is not an issue. Right? This is probably not true, in that people do not decide to violate kids simply because some fucking random person on the internet downloaded some CP, but even assuming that it is true (it probably isn't), there are technical solutions to take care of this problem. So please if you would like to continue to argue, at least have something fresh that doesn't already have a solution for it. Because we can take care of any possibility of demand leading to more supply, via cryptographically masking demand. So if we don't go off research what should we go off of? Primitive emotional responses? No I am actually quite normal. Research (I know I know, you hate research and science) demonstrates that normal men have the same sexual response to those 13+ as they do to those 18+. There are tools for measuring sexual arousal. Experiments have been done. Normal men are sexually aroused by 13 year olds for fucks sake. Nothing is wrong with my brain, something is wrong with your brain that makes you feel a compulsion to lie to yourself and to others. You can say whatever you want and maybe you even have convinced yourself, but I have facts on my side and you have nothing at all ! Dude. Pictures. Of. Kids. Are. Not. Motherfucking. Kids. Jesus christ is that so hard of a concept for you to understand? Or if you are talking about how I think the age of consent should be lowered, well, yeah I think USA should lower its age of consent to be the same as Croatia the same as Germany the same as Japan maybe even. Is that such a horrible thing? Am I such a broken horrible person because I think the age of consent laws in Germany make more sense? Are these countries just full of pedophiles have they just been taken over by sick vile pedophiles who must be castrated and executed? Should USA start dropping bombs on Germany and Japan until they raise their age of consent laws to the all mighty all powerful unquestionable age of 18?