No, you want the real thing and looking at porn can satisfy you to an extent as well. Looking at porn does not make you want to have sex with females, you want to have sex with females. If you couldn't have sex with females, looking at porn would help you placate your urges, not make them stronger. I have already linked to research showing this, I am not going to keep repeating myself over and over. Libertarians fight for the freedom of ANYBODY to view a picture of ANYTHING. You are mischaracterizing the the beliefs of libertarians by making it seem like they are only fighting for a 13 year old to be able to take a picture of his dick. Really, have you taken a poll? Pretty sure that there are plenty of Jewish people who went to death camps who would fight for our right to see holocaust pictures. So I think it is obvious that people who have been effected by abuse would fight for the right of people to view the outcome of the abuse. Yes Japan is just one sick fuck nation, you sure figured them out. Everybody who doesn't agree with you is a sick fuck and should probably be subjected to genocide. I don't really give a fuck what my mum/mom/mother thinks about CP laws, plenty of people have mums/moms/mothers who are against drugs does that mean drugs should be illegal?!