Well, I have never had sex with a 13/14/15 year old, or attempted to do so for that matter. If I was in some magic black box and could have sex with a hot 14 or 15 year old and never have to worry about being arrested for it, well that would be pretty tempting for sure. 13 year old is pretty young and I might even feel a bit bad about having sex with most 13 year olds, so I probably wouldn't I guess even in the black box. It is really hard to say though. I don't think I would feel bad for having sex with a 15 year old, 15 year olds are legal to have sex with in a huge part of the world and they are only one year shy of legal in the majority of the world. Feeling sick at the idea of having sex with a 15 year old seems very strange to me considering 15 year olds are usually at the peak of sexual development, indeed most females reach peak sexual development about half way into 14 years old. So you seemingly think it is sick to be attracted to completely developed teenagers who have completely adult sexual characteristics. This seems to me as if you find the thought of having sex with adults sickening, which is odd. I suppose that you could find the act to not be physically disgusting but disgusting for some other reason. I mean, the thought of someone having sex with a new born makes me sick, and if I saw a picture of someone having sex with a new born I would probably actually feel a little bit upset emotionally by it. If I saw a picture of someone having sex with a 15 year old, I would probably just get an erection, lol. I don't see anything particularly wrong with being attracted to tanner stage 4 and 5, both can be indicative of peak sexual development. I don't really see the magical process that takes place between ages 14 and 16 either, that makes a person so upset at the thought of a 14 year old being sexual but not a 16 year old they are fine. Or maybe you are in some part of USA and think 16 year olds are sexually disgusting as well, in which case I still don't see the change that takes place between 16 and 18. So to answer your question, in reality I would not actually have sex with a 13, 14 or 15 year old, at least I don't think any circumstance will come up where I have such an opportunity and where I would feel like risking it. If I was in a isolated black box that couldn't exchange information from inside of it with the reality outside of it, I mean I don't know I probably wouldn't have sex with a 13 year old but 14 or 15 maybe I cannot really say without being in such a situation. I know I wouldn't have sex with an 8 year old in such a box though. I mean maybe in your mind you think you think that it is disgusting, but I bet if you actually saw a 14 or 15 year old without knowing their age that you would be tempted to have sex with them as well in many cases. I certainly don't deny that I would have at least the desire to, but maybe something would stop me in practice, so far I have not had any motivation to try to have sex with such people but if an opportunity fell into my lap perhaps I would take it or perhaps I would feel like it would be harmful to them and not, or perhaps I would force myself not to simply because society has it in its mind that it would be wrong for me to. But if it was culturally acceptable for me to I pretty much certainly would have sex with 14 and 15 year olds if any wanted to have sex with me, which is a distinction I can draw between 14 and 15 year olds and say 9 and 10 year olds, which is why I would lean toward calling myself an ephebophile rather than a pedophile.