Numbers are not made by anything only instantiated. Also I never said you should be able to go out and *make* CP (via taking a picture of yourself molesting a child) or *make* a snuff film. People always seem to want to move the argument back to production, something I have never claimed should be legal. It is because they lack ability to analyze the details of a subject I think, they can see a forest but they cannot see the trees that make it up. What if the celebrity gets murdered in the future in exactly the way as depicted in your photorealistic render? Now your render and the real photograph are identical, in either case they are just images and in any case you are a murderer and should go to prison for that! But yeah I don't think I am going to have much luck to convince you about this at this point, and you are certainly never going to convince me that it is immoral to view an instantiation of a morally neutral number in some cases but morally neutral to view an instantiation of the same morally neutral number in other cases.